Important announcement!

May 05, 2007 13:27

Eurovision Song Contest Helsinki 2007!

8. Days. Away!

kengurupoika and I will sadly not be there to rouse you all up into a state of Euro-frenzy (Seoul & Darwin/Broome, respectively), but that's no excuse - I will be checking on each and every one of you* to make sure you're watching the bad costumes, worse dancing, and terrible music and lyrics that make this the television event of the year. If you're not, I release the hounds. Remember kids, the drinking games goes something like: any time they sing 'love', 'peace', 'together', 'unity'/'united' or 'world', wear a white suit, dance in a very "ethnic" style, or are just generally so bad they're good, you drink. I guarantee you'll be sloshed by act 3.

Oh, and kengurupoika? Be near your computer Sunday from about 9:30pm - and try to have a copy of the contest to watch with. I'll no doubt be Skyping/texting you at least once over the evening. It's tradition!

*OK, maybe I bluffed on this one. But it's for your own good.


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