
Apr 30, 2007 00:53

I suppose I'd better update - finally - this sorry excuse for an LJ. I should apologise for the slackness, but you all should know better by now.

I'm now half-way through my stint in Broome, yay! Or not so yay; just over one month into it and I'm actually enjoying myself. Here's a brief rundown:
  • Arrive. Fuck me it is HOT. Well, not so much hot as humid. Still the wet season, you see. Seriously, kids, unless you've spent a lot of time in the tropics you have no idea how draining it is to be in a place where the second you step out of an air-conditioned space you are drenched in sweat. And I thought my place in Perth was bad. Damn lucky it only lasted two weeks before the dry season came in.
  • Paddy's Day. Oh, to be slung into the only Irish bar in about a 1000km radius in a region where drinking is considered a sport (and one which they take VERY seriously) when you have no fricking idea on how to use the tills. I started at 7am, went until 1, started again at 6 and went until 2. Add about 2 and a half hours of staff drinks, a damaged marquée, many many puddles and standing in the rain, and you have the busiest hotel (I think) in regional WA. And one very tired nun. I even got a free t-shirt!
  • Getting to know my workmates. With 5 family members all in the same place it's almost an extended family feel. Standout ones are my boss Mel who is scarily competent, Esperance girl Anthea who is very ... loud, and Michael, who is eerily like my functions boss Sam back in Perth (small and very gay). Everyone's quite a bit more country than back in Perth, as one would expect, but it's nothing all that new to me. 18 years growing up in a regional environment has that effect. But myeh.
  • About two weeks into it I had to take a lightning 26hr trip down to Perth. Surprising how cheap it was! Well, before Virgin Blue stopped flying, anyway. Was pretty busy, but I did manage to surprise Keru at lunch - one of the things I miss the most, as it turns out. Shucks. Keru, if you read this, and end up moving to Singapore, I will be most displeased - the air fares are going to add up.
  • Although I despise gambling at any level higher than a poker night with one's old school mates, it's actually quite profitable. Not only has Wade managed to pay for half of his ticket to Europe with these "immoral winnings", but after another night at the den of vice he booked his ticket and came up for 4 days. Getting burnt at Cable Beach, drinking with my workmates after another big [Tuesday?! Go figure.] night and going on the pearl farm tour were highlights. And it was good to see him, too.
Apart from that, it's been mainly work, sleep, work, drink, sleep, and the occasional trip out to Cable Beach or into (China-)town to get sunburnt & get online, respectively. That's the main drawback: NO INTERNET ACCESS, and it. drives. me. bonkers. I'm such a nerd. I still have a trip to Darwin planned (catching up with my ex-workmate Alice - unfortunately sent to All Seasons Katherine for her regional placement for many mojitos) in a fortnight, then a fortnight after that I come home for a day or two before EUROPE baby, yeah!

And I'm done. For now.
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