Complicated Relationships, Simple Happiness

Apr 19, 2008 15:22

Some guy called Dave at the CNET party the other week, was chatting about relationships, and poised the question if we could ever be happy alone.
Quite a question for a loner.
I recounted to him and Paula some of the Bev period of my life, to which Paula countered - yeah, but if you're mentally not single, it's not the same thing.
I came up with a few responses and counter questions, based on the fact I'm pretty much a loner,
and I guess the problem I have with being single atm, is that now I'm an aetheist, I want to have certain experiences before I die, and haven't met anyone to realise kinky fantasies with.
But I did muse about how, like, when in student halls, or at home, or even as I am now - in a flatshare...whether you socialise or not, there's always people buzzing around you, and it's very easy to go spend some time by yourself, and then claim to be alone, or enjoy your own company - but, if you removed that hustle and bussle of people that has always been in the background - could you then still be happy as a loner? Or is it more like rebelling against the social aspect, but missing it when it's gone?
Still...didn't seem to get anywhere with Dave, who still pondered the issue of happiness....which is weird really, 'cos different people have a different idea of what happiness is, or even if it's obtainable. I mentioned desire to him for instance - you could be perfectly happy, but then desire could come along, and you might subsequently not be happy with what you've got and desire something else - but desire is always mediated by a it's always about what you haven't got, than what you do. So even if you got what you desired, desire would then cease to be. Unless you desired something else...and grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, etc, etc...

But yeah, his question - can someone be truly happy when alone(?) - kinda stuck on my mind.
But what motivated me to write this blog post was - I just woke up....and found my TEEJ CD. ^_^ I'd been looking for it for half a year or more. Stuck it on, and am pretty chuffed I found it, and quite jubilant. And the tunes make me happy. =) I looked around. No one else was in the flat. =) I was happy! ^_^ On my own! ^_^ Eat that David!!! It's all about the

Nonetheless, on the social front, I'm now off to tell Teej I found his CD. =) He thought he'd lost some of those tracks forever. ^_^ Nope...they're all here. =D
Will upload them online once I've setup my Mac in the new flat.


philosophy, music

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