Aug 16, 2006 22:36

6 months of writer's block, then this:

“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that I put my foot in your ass so hard you can taste my shoe leather!” Lincoln taunted the power suited current president.

“Well, ya have misunderestimated me! Nobody has misunderestimated me and gotten away with it. If they have, I’ll have Carl Rove change the history books anyhow so it won’t matter. Heh-heh.” George Walker Bush (in his mind) cleverly retorted.

Almost brought to tears at how low the office had sunken the frontier lawyer readied himself for the sloppy and stupid attack he knew was coming from the moronic man of action, and as GW threw a mighty left jab with his armored fist Lincoln dodged it as if he was dealing with one of his students of Lincoln-kun-do.

“HWAAAAAA!” The great emancipator yelled as he layed his palm into GW’s suited arm. Sparks flew in a brilliant shower of blue yellow and white, the armor split exposing the skin around GW’s elbow, all movement below the elbow stopped as it ran out of power.

“Heh, well I got to president even though I didn’t win the election so if you think a little thing like this will stop me, ya got another thing coming!” GW bragged undeservedly.

“How dare you take the words of Rob Halford in vain, I shall thrash you most violently for that!” Lincoln warned as he performed several full roundhouse kicks, knocking Bush the second into the wall of the Philadelphia back alley there were fighting in….
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