Well, it looks like I got myself a low level stalker. Not in a bad way. Let me 'splain...
So, as you may or may not know,
Legends of Atoll, our web-series based on the Dungeon Master show (it's been ten years this September!), is finally up. For a taste of the show, here is the newly released episode two:
Click to view
Anyway, tonight someone left a post on our
Facebook Wall: "Huge, huge fan of Michael T. Coleman. Must talk with him."
I was like, okaaay. Is this someone I know through a friend? I go to click their name and notice...their profile pic is of CODY from Street Fighter. Uh-oh. Then I look at the rest of their pictures. More Cody. I lot more Cody. Oh, boy. Now, I know how
executivegoth feels.
I responded as the LoA moderator and asked what he would like to say. Uh-oh. He responded with four consecutive posts (one a repeat), and a link to his page...which is all about Cody. Oh boy, again.
Currently amused. The kid is apparently only 15 or so, thus it may just be teenage overzeal. Heh.