Application for counted_stars

Aug 08, 2010 01:43

Player Information:

Name or Handle: Ashe
LJ: batsu_espada
AIM or MSN name: Nevra Solstice
Any current characters here?: Nope, but I have apps in
Would you like a protocol droid?: o7 I got it

Character Information:

Character Name: She is commonly referred to as The Exile. However, her name is Isolde.
Age: Around her early thirties, 31-32
Canon: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Appearance: Isolde stands at just about 5'2”. Her short stature, however, is usually overlooked in favor of the toned muscles and fighting prowess. She was trained since a young child to be a Jedi, and her appearance definitely reflects this. Her hair is medium length, blonde, and slightly curly, and her eyes are an extremely light, clear blue. She is very much still a Jedi, often dressing in very plain robes that don't restrict her movements, hair oftentimes pulled back. Although she is in her thirties now, according to others, her appearance has remained exactly the same as it was ten years prior to the incidents of the game.

Personality: The biggest thing to Isolde's personality is the fact she was raised as a Jedi from a young age. She can be quiet and observant, often looking situations over and evaluating them for the best approach. The Jedi ideals have been drilled into her, the ideals of passive peacekeeper, and she will often fall back onto these teachings when it comes to person interaction. It basically structured most of her young life, only interrupted by her passionate need to help people. But as peacekeepers, wouldn't it be her place to save the very people? This is her line of thought when she ends up disobeying the Jedi Council and joins Revan and Malak in the Mandalorian Wars.

Her ability to create bonds within the Force make her a charismatic leader. She is also extremely tactical, winning several key battles during the war, and earning her position as a General under Revan's command. In fact, her abilities earned top respect from him and among her soldiers. They believed in her judgment and plans.

But she is also quite passionate, even through her evaluations, and she will defend her beliefs with everything in her. When she was exiled, she continued to deny that anything she had done in the war had been a wrong choice. She is the only one to return, knowing full well that the act of denying her council had not been right and she was willing to face the consequences, but following Revan would never be a wrong idea to her. Her defiance is evident as well, both in acting on the decision to join the war and in her own exile. When the council demanded her lightsaber back, she thrust it into the center stone of the room instead of simply handing it over.

Her relationships with others affect her greatly. Since she attracts people to her, she attaches easily and is reluctant to let go. When Malachor V took place, she knew without a doubt that the Shadow Mass Generator would destroy the planet, along with the Mandalorians and her own, trusting soldiers. She forced herself to withdraw completely from the Force, unable to feel anything. Because of these actions, when she gained her echo of the Force back, it was because she was feeding off other Force users, which is how she gained her informal apprentices. While her connection is still there, it is mostly an echo of what it was and yet somehow stronger because of her ability to practically “eat” it.

Background: History is here if you please! The canon point from which I am taking her is right after her fight with Atris and before she goes to Malachor V.

Special Abilities or Weapons: As a Jedi Knight, the Exile has an extensive list of abilities that she is able to use, as dictated by the Force, and is quite skilled in both lightsaber and hand-to-hand combat styles. However, she does have a few abilities that are unique.

Force Bonds - She has the ability to form close bonds through the Force very easily, whereas it is usually a rare thing and between very few people at one time. It allows her to influence others and also to be able to pick up Force techniques that otherwise take years to master. She is also referred to, by the Masters and by Kreia herself, as the death of the Force. She feeds on the Force and death, attracting Force users to her person, an upgraded version of the bonds, if you will.

Breath Control - the ability to numb one's body so that it doesn't shut down with lack of oxygen. Literally the ability to go long periods of time without breathing.

Beast Trick - the ability to control an animal

Force Valor - increases speed, accuracy, and resolve

Force Whirlwind - just as it sounds

Force Enlightenment - takes the defensive powers one is most proficient in and upgrades them. For the Exile, those are Force Speed, Force Defense, and Force Valor.

Battle Precognition - allows one to sense the flows of the Force

The Exile is quite fluent in many languages, including Basic, Hutt, Mando'a, Tchuukthese, and droid.

She is also moderate with the Jedi Mind Trick ability--easily able to use the Force to persuade others--and has moderate healing abilities. Along with the Mind Trick, the Exile was taught a powerful form of mind-reading, but she rarely, if ever, uses it, as it is a violation.

Sect: Jedi. However, she has been exiled, and since this is around the time of her exile, she will possibly be laying low for the time being, so as to not alert the Order of her presence

Job: She will probably just go bother gangs and steal from them.


First Person:
[the video flicks on, showing Isolde in her room back on Coruscant, back in her underwear again, the frown on her face tinged with sadness]

I don't understand. Why... Why is he playing these games? To what end does he do this? [she wipes a hand over her face, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear]

Atton is gone.

Ness, I hope that you were not too worried.

[there is a strength in her voice, despite the undertone of sadness]

Jaina, can we meet up?

Third Person:
Her first realization was that she was in her underwear, again. How many times was she going to wake up in this state, unsure of anything that was going on, where she was, why she was in this state? Isolde looked over the room; a standard room, like one in the apartments back on Telos. Except...

Except she was alone.

She could tell that they weren't there, her companions, her... friends. She couldn't feel them, and her chest clenched tightly at the realization. What had she done? She should have left them behind, so that Kreia couldn't hurt them. And then there it was, the tiniest of tugs, like the sound of a drum echoing through her, and numbers.

Isolde could hear numbers, and immediately she pulled back. Because Atton was here. She wasn't alone. If he was here, then the others had to be as well, and it would be okay. It would be okay. She got up, stumbling for the door, forgetting-not caring-that she was in her underwear.


Anything Else:
Could she go back to rooming with Ness again?
Hutt porn & Ebon Hawk

!application, !ooc

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