Snow snow snow Doctor Who snow snow

Dec 27, 2010 23:32

All of my gifts that I ordered for folks arrived very last minute, so I did not get an opportunity to send them out before the 25th.  I assumed I would be sending them Monday.  That did not work out so well; I live on a dirt road and it doesn't handle blizzards very well.  Neither does my car.  So there was no way to get to the post office.

I would ship everything out tomorrow, except my cousin is getting married, in Boston, which requires something of a trip, so I don't know if I'll even have the time.  I hope I can get everything sorted soon...

In other news, Doctor Who continues to be amazing.  I have been slowly working my way back through series 5, and I keep noticing how great the writing is.  Plus... Matt Smith is great.

My friends are putting on their annual New Year's party, which I look forward to very much.  We will be watching movies, playing board games, and generally being the most straight edge college students the world has ever seen.  Good times ahead :)

rl, snow, random

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