Another late-night-or-early-morning entry for everyone! X3
Gacked from
Cougarfang 1) Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2) I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3) I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4) I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5) I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6) I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7) I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8) If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.
Like Den, if I don't remember my first memory of you, I'll write something else. ;D
Kelvin, Mom, and I got in a massive argument yesterday, the results of which obliterating any chance I may have had of going to Otakon. And Jim had said he'd be willing to drive me there, seeing as he was planning on going if he could find some friends to come along. Gotta remember to tell him that that plan's flown out the window and down the street and into the setting sun.
I really need to learn to control myself; see, I don't remember why we got angry in the first place, and I don't know how the situation escalated into the giant mess that I'm (we're?) in now, meaning that the 'spark' was simply too inconsequential to have been of much importance. Even worse: like most people, I don't realise what I'm saying when I'm angry - and I don't remember what I've said afterwards. I'm thoughtless, and I should work on changing that.
One upshot of the argument is that I'm rethinking the way I deal with things. And another, not as deep, but just as useful, is that my cooking is actually improving, since my mom doesn't want to do it for me. XD;
After the argument, Kelvin and I walked around Willowdale Crossing and Fox Lee to find some of our friends - After we found out that Gina wasn't home, we went to David Oranzi's house on Kelvin's request. Saw Nick (David's brother) in the backyard. Without a shirt on. @____@; Wierd.
Went to Costco afterwards with Jim (funny how we do a great deal of our shopping there no matter what country we're in), talked about Otakon ("Wouldn't it be a great idea for someone to sell temporary tatoos there? Then you can get stuff like the ouroboros sign! And you can get a sweatdrop or "three lines" down your forehead! XDXD") and bread knives (the mass collections of that seem to sit in every kitchen. I swear I don't know the difference between any of them, other than the bread knice and paring knife. Jim says that he'll laugh about that to my future husband (pity the fool) when I demand that I need a special knife to seperate chicken tendons.)
Hm. Right. And I can't get Kelvin to understand what "putz" means. He keeps saying that it's 60's slang, a Charles-Dickens-word, or something I made up. =.=;