Renewed Fortitude

Jul 10, 2008 21:49

Melissa?? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THAT YOU WERE BACK ON LJ??? Where have I been? I bet you told me and my memory of it has disappeared. I am totally confused. However, you have inspired me to start writing on this thing again. I have a blog, but "blogging" is something I really don't get. Lately I just resort to posting pretty pictures to mine and coming up with lame promises that I will start writing real posts again. Oh well.
I'm not exactly sure how to pick up and start again on livejournal.
What to say?
Exciting things from this week:
At work yesterday, just as I was walking out of my boss' office and on my way out for the day, I definitely banged my arm on the doorknob and I'm sure he saw it. What was worse was that I had to close the door after this, and it was oh so cringe-inducing. Somehow I made it the whole day without doing anything embarrassing, but in the last 10 seconds, my body sabotaged me. Lame.

ALSO: apparently Miley Cyrus was at Universal Studios on Tuesday? Which means that at some point during the day we both could have been on the freeway at the same time. OMG. We're totally meant to be bff. Can't you feel it? Fo sho. *all the Miley haters to the left*

Today I realized that I will be out of the country when Batman comes out. That hurts me deep down inside, because I probably won't get to see it with my friends who worship at the altar of Christian Bale with me. :'( However, maybe when I get back it will be so good that someone will go with me for a second time??? OR, I could see it in England, but I doubt that we'll have time, although I think my mother would probably go for it if we have nothing to do one of the days. Also, seeing a movie in a foreign country just sounds really really awesome.

I wandered into Blockbuster today and I bought The Orphanage on dvd. I am slightly unsure of when I will actually watch it considering just how creepy it is. It was the first movie in a long long long time that actually scared the shit out of me. I've seen a ton of horror movies, and a lot of recent ones just don't really induce any huge reactions out of me, but when I saw the Orphanage I swear I was genuinely terrified and I remember sinking into my seat and jumping at all the ridiculously scary moments. PLUS: (Semi-Spoiler) there is an amazing metaphor in the story alluding to Peter Pan, and I LOVE Peter Pan and that made it even more amazing and moving. This is one of those horror movies that really is beautiful- definitely because it is a movie made in association with Guillermo del Toro, who is like my favorite upcoming director. He's already made some amazing movies, and I foresee even greater things for him in the future. This guy is immensely talented. He didn't even direct The Orphanage yet it had his style written all over it. When I first saw it, I knew from the opening credits that it would good. They are very clever and let you know that you are in for something very special and very scary. YAY GOOD MOVIES! Good movies are what inspire me to be excited about life.

Moving on...I was reading a review of The Wackness (WHICH I LOVED) and whoever wrote it hated it. He/she said something like- we've seen this movie before- it's called Igby Goes Down. That pissed me off- granted Igby Goes Down is my favorite movie ever, however-the reviewer seemed to find these two movies to be trite because they have intelligent, disaffected male protagonists. WHAT? I mean, Igby Goes Down's main character is totally and completely a wreck from being pulled apart by his so dysfunctional family and all the people in his life. The Wackness actively works to find humanity in all of its characters and doesn't depict the people in the movie as despicable in any way and it could be argued that Igby takes less of a sympathetic look at the people revolving around the protagonist. The reviewer talked about why these movies are cliched indie movie fare- but I don't see them as unoriginal in any way. Why denounce certain indie movies for making a very ambitious attempt at originality and not blast the cliched beloved Hollywood storyline of many a big studio release? I don't really think there is an indie movie cliche. A movie is a movie, and independent does not necessarily mean one thing or another in terms of the story. That being said, that review can suck it because Igby Goes Down is my favoritest thing ever. Sigh.

In other news, I have this new doggy who is a 14 month old afghan hound. He is so full of energy and darling and cute and looks like a real-life muppet. I swear to god, that's exactly what he looks like. ALSO: He is a ginormous doggy. He is as tall as me when he jumps up on his hind legs, and he is as tall, or a little taller than the kitchen counters on all fours. That's pretty freaking tall. Anyway. HE WAS SO CUDDLY TODAY. Omg, I died of cuteness. I was watching The Dark Half (which is the shit because it's a pretty good Stephen King adapation, it has Timothy Hutton, who really commits to the role, and GEORGE ROMERO directed it. How's that for horror movie cred?) and he was lying on the sofa next to me, and flopped his head on my leg and just looked so adorable. He also has this stuffed purple elephant squeaky toy (lots of adjectives in this sentence, but I am so not putting a comma there because I don't feel like it) that he adores. He dropped it in between the couch and the table and then proceeded to paw it out and pulled it back up on the couch so he could chew it up some more. He's so redonkulous, I sometimes can't take it.

My mother got some British money for our trip and I was holding it, and my doggy definitely tried to eat it right out of my hand. It was hilarious- I bet it looked very yummy to him. I basically have to hide my shoes out of his reach because he will pick them up and run away with them. I chased him down and pried my new moccasin from his mouth. Fortunately it was unchewed, if a little wet with slobber. I can forgive him though, I look into his beautiful brown eyes and I just melt. I've never had a young dog before- my first dog was definitely not a puppy when we got her. My afghan is such a handful. My old dog, Nala, would come up to my room with me and nap quietly on the floor, sometimes sniffing about and investigating my stuff. My new dog runs about and seriously has like ADD with my room- he wants to see, chew, paw at everything and I have to watch him like a hawk. He just won't be still. Nala would find a comfy spot and just snooze, but getting him to lie down or even sit is quite the job. <3

In other news, I lost one of the batteries to my tv remote somewhere in/around/under my bed, and now I realize I am such a channel surfer. I've left the tv on abc and now I have the urge to investigate all the other channels RIGHT NOW. But without my remote, I am too lazy to do anything about it. Well, except for now when I just changed it to comedy central to watch South Park. :)
I am very excited to finally have a copy of the new David Sedaris book. I love him so. I really need to read the new Augusten Burroughs too.
That is all, as I am tired.
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