two fic recs [star trek xi, rated e]

Feb 07, 2010 23:46

Fandom : Star Trek
Title : and this great blue world of ours seems a house of leaves moments before the wind
Author : mortigi_tempo @ dreamwidth
Rating : m for mild horror and language, eventual e for sex
Characters & Pairings : Kirk, Spock, McCoy; eventual Kirk/Spock
Length : 18,750 words over 8 chapters
Warnings : psychological trauma, language, ( Read more... )

star trek xi, crossover, !betweenthebliss

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kaiserkuchen February 8 2010, 10:58:50 UTC
That first fic was all kinds of brilliant! Since I've loaned my (German) copy of House of Leaves to a friend, I pass the time until I get it back by looking for fandom crossovers with it instead and this was wonderful, ahh thanks for the heads up! ALSO: DUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE ALSO HAD A WARNING FOR THE WRITERS DW-LAYOUT OR SOMETHING FFFFFFFFFF that eye-thing was creepy as fuck lolol good thing it's noon right now and not ass o' clock or I would've been seriously freaked out XD


betweenthebliss February 8 2010, 14:00:47 UTC
LMAO i forgot about the eye, i kind of stalk her journal so it doesn't freak me out anymore, loooooooll. sorry about that; there's a warning now. ^^;;;; but but! i'm so glad you liked the fic, it's seriously one of my favorite trek crossovers ever and i love making other people read it. XD


kaiserkuchen February 8 2010, 23:23:31 UTC
After the initial SHUDDER AND RECOIL reaction, I do have to admit that it is oddly fascinating. Though again disturbing when you stare at it for TOO long, lol. I just love seeing the different spins all these various authors put in their House of Leaves crossovers-- this fic you recced was also the first one where the whole "House" experience was instead of what one would usually expect,so I was pleasantly surprised and intriiiiiiigued :D


betweenthebliss February 8 2010, 23:36:46 UTC
now that you mention it there's another i found-- yggdrasil by atomicskull. totally different take but i'd be interested to see what you think of it. :D


kaiserkuchen February 10 2010, 00:46:18 UTC
I somehow totally missed reading this! AHHHH and here I thought I had already plowed through all of atomicskull's delightful writing ahhh nice ♥. POOR UHURA AND MCCOY in the end, and of course AHHH KIRK AND SPOCK :(((. Also: woah this is some pretty trippy and gloriously disjointed writing. I just love the way the original quotes were used throughout...
There is also another House of Leaves/Trek crossover somewhere out there that I just read recently (it had Chekov, Uhura and Spock +soon dead redshirts as part of the away crew with Kirk and hooo boy was that some mission) and I think it made me equal House of Leaves xover = planet mission when transplanted into the STrek world. Which made the fic you linked in this post even more of a pleasant surprise.


BTW kaiserkuchen February 10 2010, 00:47:49 UTC
Also I linked that journal to a friend and got to freak her out with the layout, too, so I feel awesome about that now. And it really does become something compelling to look at.


Re: BTW betweenthebliss February 10 2010, 01:05:52 UTC
lmao it's true, it is strangely compelling. i feel like that's what mad-eye moody's magic eye looks like, rofl, which makes me love it more.


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