(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 09:21

LJ Interests meme results

  1. chat:
    I like the internets. It's where I first started being tempted by that she-devil, attention.
  2. ddr:
    Techno + dancing + videogame = so much win.
  3. fireflies:
    They're so pretty and small and a sign of summer.
  4. icons:
    I wish I had the time to make a million thousand of them.
  5. lord of the rings:
    enough said.
  6. musicians:
    Everyone in my family was involved in music in some way, most of them outright being musicians. I live and breathe music, and love others who do the same.
  7. portuguese:
    The most beautiful language in the world.
  8. roleplay:
    That's what got me into chat, and what I still find to me one of the internet's best pastimes.
  9. stark raving mad:
    Absolutely great, absolutely sexy movie.
  10. web cam:
    Mmm, pictures.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

I've been feeling good lately, though a couple of details, if ever put into place, could make my life the absolutely most amazing one ever.

meme, blah/menial life update

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