its useless

Sep 18, 2006 16:04

Im up to my ears in the thick smelly slush of adult life,
and Im sure there's more to come, after all Im not grown up yet.
in the midst of all this all I really want is answers to simple questions and I dont want my life to be like a skipping record going on its tune fucking up going back and fucking up again all in the same places.
why cant I force myself into something new?
I hate that nothing is even semi perminent and
I hate that there isnt a steady thought I can come to
I dont like that my body physically aches sometimes when I cant seem to let out the love i feel for random people...but I dont stop feeling it...
I hate that I always come here to bitch about how life is hard...actually no, its not all that hard- just severly confusing.
I hate feeling purposeless
I hate trying to find purpose in things that I dont find meaningful
I hate purposeless words/conversations
all in all I cant think of a single thing with a solid purpose.
I hate confusion...
I hate talking to people about how confused I am.
I hate still loveing the same guy
I hate not knowing the guy I still love.
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