English word usage

Jan 01, 2011 23:59

I don't quite remember how we got on the topic but my family started talking about buffalo tonight at dinner. By buffalo we meant American Bison which led to a discussion of why the word "buffalo" is used. None of us knew the history behind which word (buffalo or bison) was first used and how the distinct eventually came about. While they don't have much in common with true buffalo and are a different genus (how is that even determined?), it is common to use buffalo more frequently than the word bison. So how did we get to that? I don't know but now I want to figure it out. There must be some history of the word.

This then led to what a cow is called as in cattle. I learned that all bovine are referred to as oxen. So when you eat beef, you're eating oxen.

Language is fascinating but I must sleep. This is a placeholder for further thoughts.

(Also: "drug abuse" isn't accurate; the drugs aren't being abused but the person using them is abusing themselves.)

Tomorrow I shall be catching up on the 10 day meme. Multiple sections will be done. Travel messes with me sometimes.
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