Sep 05, 2009 13:29
Apparently Bourneville and I have slight OCD. Whether or not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is going a bit far considering we're as normal as we can be is up for debate, but still. I didn't really think about this until I mentioned it to her and she told me about it. I just thought it was a "quirk".
Not going into hers - bit mean - but mine:
Refusal to enter presence of others without makeup.
The perfect toast - in my case, triangular.
Everything on my desk has to be aligned to perfection otherwise it bothers the crap out of me.
Everything on everyone elses desk has to be aligned to perfection otherwise it bother the crap out of me.
Things that aren't symmetrical.
My Mother saying "RIGHT!" (although that stems from a childhood of said word preceeding things I don't want to do).
Moral: There are so many more things to add to this list I can't speak.