A - Z Meme

Oct 21, 2012 09:03

A few things about me... (a meme stolen from Katikat, now that DW has decided to let me post...

A - ACCENT: None.  Well, midwestern USian, but I'm told that's supposed to be 'accent neutral' which is why national telecasters use it.

B - BREAST SIZE: 36D.  At my last sizing, a little over a year ago I was DD, but I think I've lost weight where it counts. ;)

C - CHORE YOU HATE: Dishes, even loading the dishwasher is a pain in the ass.

D - DAD'S NAME: Dennis Frank Francis Joseph Diune [last name].  No joke.  All that.

E - ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: Chocolate is a good place to start.  I suppose it depends on how badly you've pissed me off. ;)

F - FAVORITE PERFUME: Discontinued. :(  Victoria's Secret used to do an AMAZING Caramel-Apple-Vanilla thing when I worked there.


H - HOMETOWN: Aurora, IL.  I was born in Chicago, moved to Elgin and then Hanover Park (or was it the other way around?)  Anyway I was in Aurora just before I turned 4 so... yeah.

I - INSOMNIA: In spades.  And it's the sucky I-can-fall-asleep-but-can't-stay-asleep kind.  I typically fall asleep again about 20 minutes before my alarm which can be worse than never falling back to sleep at all.

J - JOB TITLE: 6th Grade Humanities Teacher

K - KIDS: 25.  13 in first period and 12 in second. ;)

L - LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: Apartment.  Just me and two fuzzy butts.


N - NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: Today?  None.  In a lifetime?  A few thousand, I'm sure.

O - OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Got a few hours?  Let's see, that I can remember, 2 weeks when I cracked my skull when I was 6, two to three three-or-four-nighters every year from the time I was 6 until I was 13 for dehydrating, two nights in college during my first finals week with the flu from hell, one night when my gall bladder came out.  And then there was the odd night where I stayed with my Deaf roommate who'd just had surgery on her wrist.  I stayed to interpret for the nurses.  Oh, and I stayed when Dad had his brain tumor out too.

P - PHOBIA: Needles.  Of the shot-in-the-ass sort, not the sewing sort.

Q - QUEST: I have a pretty massive photography bucket list. :)

R - RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Somewhere between Wiccan and Ecclectic Pagan.

S - SIBLINGS: One brother, 3 years younger than me.  Does a sister-in-law count?

T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: 5:30 on work days.  6:00ish if I don't have to set an alarm.

U - UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: I've done a few red highlights before.  But other than some very temporary black I had to do for theater in high school, not much.

V - VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Onions.  (Except scallions.)

W - WORST HABIT: I have no organizational skills and my house is a pit.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: I'm trying to think if there's a bone I *haven't* had x-rayed.  Skull has been done for repeated concussions, teeth, neck/shoulders for left shoulder issue, ribs after a car accident, elbow after I fell on the ice, ankles after various sports/p.e. issues, fingers after they got slammed in a car door, toes after several different break, foot after I dropped an old-school lead oil can on it... um.. yeah.  I'm surprised I don't glow in the dark.

Y - YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: Egg burritos with pico.  Chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels.

Z - ZANY QUIRK: I can cross my little toes over the next toe over without using my fingers.


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