Dear Yuletide Author-person,
Thank you so much for taking on the task of writing something for me. I try not to be difficult, and in fact, I'm sure I'll love anything written in good faith. That said, I know I respond better to a list of concrete likes/dislikes and at least a bit of a general prompt or episode/season that my recipient would like to see. So while OMG!long letter is long, I'm already thrilled that you're writing something just for me. So as the Yuletide mods keep reminding us, my optional details are optional!
In general...
• Things I like: angst, hurt/comfort, banter, happy endings and humor. Honestly... if I don't dislike it enough to list it in the next bullet, then I'm good with it. I'd rather weed out the few things I really don't care for, because if we avoid those, I'm good with anything else! :)
• Things I don't care for: death stories, partner betrayal, stuff that will leave our heroes in danger of embarrassing themselves unrealistically. (You know the set up - our two guys, with *really* good reasons for not making their relationship public, have sex in the glass-walled office just because no one is around *right now*, but we all know that someone *could* walk by at any time and our heroes would, realistically, never be that careless. That sort of thing.)
Additionally, since all of my fandoms take place in the 'real world', I'd love it if you could avoid the seriously supernatural or bizarre. M'preg, vampires, they time travel back to Ancient Rome... that kind of thing. Can we please keep the real world in the real world? Thanks!
Oh and stories that actually have to do with Christmas. Seriously. I know when this exchange takes place, but I have a pretty serious dislike for actual Christmas... well, anything.
• Sex is good; but not at all necessary. In each of the requests I've made, I've listed my OTP. If you like that pairing enough to write them at any stage of their relationship, great! If you're not keen on that, I *adore* a well-done gen story. Seriously, I do. I will say that if I've listed a pairing, I'm going to be less enthusiastic about a story that heavily features any other pairing. Again, gen is totally cool! But, you know, I wouldn't turn away from a hot PWP about my OTP either. ;) I'm good with the BDSM set up if it's done well and in character. I'm also okay with non-con/dub-con as long as the characters I've asked for are not the villain in the situation and there is the attendant comfort from the partner.
• The kind of stuff I write is the kind of stuff I like to read. So if you want a good way to get an idea of that, check out
what I have at AO3.
• I adore it when anyone who's making something for me can weasel in a ferret. Unfortunately, after seven years of dropping that prompt, I've had two occasions that have taught me to spell this out: I have ferrets. I love my ferrets like nothing else. If you choose to incorporate a ferret, please do not make it evil or have a character do anything evil to it. (I would have thought most people would assume that, but I've been burned twice now, so yeah.. I'm going to be clear.) Like I said, this is just a little thing I like to toss out to see what happens. Feel totally free to ignore this.
I know some authors want only some broad guidelines, others like the idea of having some specific ideas to get them going. If you'd like to see a bit more about what I'd like to see in each fandom... here's a few things I was thinking...
Common Law
As tricky as this is, I'm a Wes/Travis girl. It's a bit of mental gymnastics for me to see them as amazingly slashy or long-term partners, because the whole show is predicated on them wanting to kill each other regularly. And yet... I'd love to see a budding relationship done well.
I would adore anything that explores the emotional aftermath of the last episode.
Covert Affairs
My one het request this year. I'd love some Annie/Auggie. Hurt/Comfort/Angst after the whole mess with Auggie and Parker, or after Annie gets out of the hospital after being shot. Those would be amazing. But really I'd just love to see them moving past their weirdly het bromance and into a more intense relationship.
Or for a possibly non-romantic angle, I'd love to see something where Annie takes care of Auggie. He's been taking care of her since the pilot in both big and little ways (bottle opener, 3rd grade field trip coordinator, general sounding board and support, Russia, etc...) I'd love to see her taking care of him after an op gone wrong (like the one with Auggie's crazy Russian Ex) or some idiot driver just doesn't see Auggie crossing the road and hits him or whatever.
Sports Night
Ah, the perennial Sports Night request. :) I'm a huge Casey/Danny fan. Stories dealing with Dan's alluded-to abusive background and/or attendant mental issues always score for me. A follow up to "Shane" would be the bestest thing ever. I adore the end of that episode like I've adored very little on t.v. since it aired. Such an amazing scene for us slashers!
At the same time, I do adore the kind of humor the show embraced. If you want to do an entirely gen fic of Danny and Casey making each other crazy over bad metaphors and worse puns, knock yourself out.
And once again... thank you for taking on this task. I'm sure I'll love it!