Almost exactly 11 years after the airing of "Two Cathedrals", Deloris Landingham really has passed away. Kathryn Joosten died of cancer yesterday. :( The news keeps remembering her as someone from "Desperate Housewives", but to me she'll always be Mrs. Landingham. The woman who denied the president a banana.
I swear it seems like someone I know from T.V./movie/music is dying every week or so now. Is that a thing that happens as you get older and you're no longer watching 12 year olds on t.v.?
On top of that was Richard Dawson. I've never been able to watch Family Feud with someone else at the helm.
In other news, I got both versions of my Venus of Willendorf soap up. There's a
vegan version and a
milk and honey version. I took a lot of pictures of other stuff today, but I've decided the pictures suck and need to be redone.
I found Dad's Father's Day present online, but now I have to find something for his birthday which is a whole three weeks later. And he is IMPOSSIBLE to buy for. He literally has everything he wants. This is largely due to being stupidly practical which means he only wants that which he needs. And if he needs it then he goes out and gets it for himself because he NEEDS it. (And not like a six year old NEEDS a pony, if he needs it, there's a real purpose behind that.) So then you're stuck with trying to find something he'd actually want and use but hasn't gotten himself.
Anyway, a lot of my father's and my relationship has happened while we've had our faces smashed up against various viewfinders over the years, so I have to say
that this thing here is absolutely awesome! You can put your digital images 'on film'! :) And he can actually use this. I mean, who can't use another jumpdrive these days?
OH! And he's decided that on top of the will, I also get power of attorney. *sigh* Someone remind me why being the 'practical, reasonable' one in the family is supposedly a good thing?
Kári hit a new level of special today. He's *always* stealing my bras. If I leave one *anywhere* other than the tall dresser, where he can't reach, he'll find it and stuff it under the bed. Well, today I wore a v-neck t-shirt and when I was being all lazy-slouchy on the bed, the top of the cup peeked out of the neckline. Stupiddork tried to steal the bra I WAS WEARING! This ended badly for him as you could imagine.
And as a last note, I am full of bath bomb fail. I have tried to get the damn things to work all weekend and I still don't have one properly done and unmolded. And I need six for an order ASAP. *sigh*.