Woke up with a serious case of the "Oh hellz no"s.

Mar 20, 2011 10:39

I slept for something like 12 hours. Even for me, this is a lot. Ten hours is not unheard of, less than eight is a bad thing, but twelve... that's a lot. And there was no good reason for it. I didn't get up at oh-dark-thirty yesterday morning or anything, I didn't have an especially greulling day. I did have *really* weird dreams (me trying to get two of three guys from an old fandom's OT3 together with a girl... IDEK) and a about a half-hour go-round with my insomnia, but only half an hour is barely worth mentioning giving how my insomnia can work.

But there it was, me not awake until almost 9:00. I was going to get up and go to 2U since I haven't been in a few weeks, but when I couldn't get my ass out of bed to make breakfast until about half an hour before I'd need to be on the bus, that didn't happen. Then I was going to run out to Staples for a one day only sale. Then I read the actual ad and realized it was online only. And sold out. So that didn't happen.

Oh, and did I mention that my legs still hurt from my power-walking to the El, around downtown and home from the El on Friday? And that I must have either slept funny or been gritting the HELL out of my teeth at PsychoWoman at ceramics yesterday, because I woke up with my neck just KILLING me.

And I've had a major case of the Apathies. All I've done today is get breakfast into me, meds into Gaia (but I haven't made her more duck soup that she's out of. *sigh*), gotten the boys out to play and played Farmville for a really inappropriate amount of time.

I'm supposed to go to
brigid's this afternoon, but if my neck doesn't start to cooperate more, that may not happen, because driving without being able to turn my head is probably a bad idea. (Brigid, I'll email a little later when I see how I'm feeling, okay?)

Sigh... last week, all said, I was in a pretty good mood and pretty busy. Now I think I'm starting to feel the crash. This sucks a lot.

In minor amusements, one of Logi's favorite places to snorkel around is the bin where I keep some of my yarn and crochet projects. Today he came out with a yarn skein wrapper around his waist. He wore it like a skirt for about four minutes before realizing OMG! IT'S ON ME OMG GET IT OFF! in very true Logi fashion. It was highly amusing.

blah, blech, sleep or lack thereof, ow, do not want, logi, dreams, ferrets, gaia

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