First day of the National Training Weekend...

May 19, 2005 13:12

So... Day 1 of the "Nats" training weekend is over. It was pretty hum-drum, the only excitement being that the National swim suits got caught at customs and sent back to the UK. They should get here AGAIN by tomorrow. *is excited* GOOD news is that my race-weight is down to 158lbs. This is only 2 lbs off of my weight from last year. And I think I've grown, so that means I'm leaner than I was last year. I guess that means I don't have to size-up on the suit this year!! YAY! :D

Back to the swim practice: I was in lane one.. *preens* It's the Fast Lane. But then, that's probably only because neither Almos nor Felix showed up -- the real fast ones. We did a bunch of Medley drills and stuff - it made me realize that I haven't done a proper swimming "drill" for technique in almost a year. oO;; No biggie... just strange.

Talked to Travis - he got to swim in lane 1, too. L and her gang didn't take to him too well. Which is their problem, really. I tried to defend him as best as I could, but L seems impervious to murderous glares.

We didn't get donuts. Mr. Rogers (winner of the title "thefamous", in my book - he was 'l33t') used to give us donuts. But Mr. Teague seems to have stressed himself out so much this year, that his facial hair fell out. Either that or he shaved his beard. It's a shame. He looked better with that goatee-thing stapled to his chin. :P

So.. on to real life: I'm at my dad's place (our "other house"). I'm on his laggy computer. I just finished a Trifle for their dinner party tonite. Let's just pray that the hot pudding doesn't melt the whipping cream. Merlin only knows why I didn't wait until the whole damn thing SET before I decorated it. *rolls eyes* Anyway, it should be good... Yellow cake mix (it was going to be chocolate, but then I found a box of "ultra moist" yellow mix in the cupboard), two boxes of chocolate pudding, a box of whipping cream, and 3/4 of a can of blueberry pie filling (they didn't have any canned cherries at the store-- omgwtf?!?). Throw it all together with a little artistic flare, and you get a good bowl full of... mess. Tasty mess though, mind you!

So this dessert has had me pondering the etymology of the saying "don't trifle with me/my [insert word here]". I'll get back to y'all on that one. :P

Until tomorrow, then!
Me (which rhymes with Tiy)
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