A few days ago I learned what it is like to be screwed on the job. No, Sara and I didn't have a quickie, although that would have been quite nice. What did happen however, is that Dave, one of the other managers that works with me changed two displays that I had made after I left work. When I came in the next day I got yelled at, of course, with my store mangaer citing that I must be plain stupid for creating something that looked like what had been done. Later on, I thought, "who's stupid now, ya bitch" when she thought a cornucopia was a wall planter.
Have you ever watched a horror movie, and seen the hero or heroine grab a knife by the blade, and then thought, "who pissed in your gene pool you retarded mutant fuck?" I have. And I have also said something similar to that so it's no real surprise that I did the same thing today with a pair of scissors. The cuts weren't too bad - I only withstood a few slashes on two of my fingers, but the blood however, was the neverending story. I went through three band-aids and fed the vampire in me throughout the night. I am going to have the best murder scene. I always get so bloody.
I like me some Sara C. She is one of very few people who can actually make me laugh. Laugh laugh. Not heh laugh.
Today was wonderful. I bought some tuna, a chimpanzee, and some coke off of a former child star. Also, there was a nice sale at a consignment shop nearby my uncle's house. They had loads of clothes from H&M. The reason the clothes were there I suspect is because of some nasty deordorant stains, but I will proudly walk around with them, claiming them as my own because I'm not going to spend $35.90 there for a shirt ... umm unless it's a pin-striped blazer which I kinda did.
I also bought the Fantastic Four animated cartoon boxed set on DVD. Aside from people kicking grandmas and watching the downfall of O.J. Simpson this was my favorite thing to watch back when I was a kid in 1994 and 1995. Another set I hope to get soon is the Batman animated series that ran on Fox around the same time. This was easily one of the best series - cartoon, or otherwise to ever be on television.
Our new cashier at work has allergies to everything from peanuts to dust to Christina Aguilera. In case she is ever caught weezing, swelling up, or in a stage where she is in near death we have been instructed to take a needle she has and jab it into her theigh as hard and as fast as we possible can. Now, when she told me this, and showed me what to do the only thing that I could think of was not "I'm going to save her life," but that I hope it doesn't play off like that scene in Pulp Fiction because that looked far too complicated and stressful and I didn't even have a needle in my hand. My God, all I was doing was watching Uma Thurman's breasts, but it just looked to hard to do.
Justine is the best. More than the best.
I am in love with
http://www.PerezHilton.com. It's how I roll.