Revisiting 2016, Part 2

Jan 04, 2017 17:31

I didn't watch that many new movies in 2016, I dived deep into the classics instead. Additionally, a lot of the critically revered films haven't been released here yet, so I can only present this year's list with reservations.

Favorite New Face.

I didn't care for Hail Caesar! but Alden Ehrenreich stole every scene he was in.
Total star-making performance.

Best Worldbuilding.

I have some minor quibbles with Zootopia's plot, but dammit, the setting is an urban developer's wet dream.

Biggest Disappointment of the Year.

I really wanted this to be good. I like those women.
But in the end I only found Chris Hemsworth funny.

Runner-up: Keanu. Cute kitten tho.

Guiltiest Pleasure of the Year.

This is by no means a great film, but I'm not ashamed to say that it kept me on the edge of my seat for over an hour.

Most Underrated Movie of the Year.

Nody expected this sequel to the decent first Neighbors to be any good.
But this one was even better - feminist, gay-friendly and still hilarious.

Promising 2016 movies that I didn't catch in time so I couldn't evaluate them.

Basically, ALL THE MOVIES!
Most of all Moonlight. La La Land. Arrival. Paterson. Manchester By The Sea.

The Single Worst Movie of the Year.

The best thing about not seeing that many current films is that most of them were good or at worst disappointing. I think this is the only one I actively hated.

My favorite 2015 films that I watched too late for last year's list.

"Homesickness is like most sicknesses. It will pass."

(Technically even a 2014 release. The movie still totally owns.)

"I'm going to shorten that, punch it up, and turn it into a tweet."

And now...

MY TWELVE FAVORITE MOVIES OF THE YEAR (in alphabetical order).

Why twelve? Eh, who cares. Let's just say one for each month.

"Crazy is building your ark after the flood has already come."

"He's my friend."
- "So was I."

"Your 20s are all about, like, hope,
and then your 30s are all about realizing how dumb it was to hope."

"It's funny. You were so scary at night."

"This is the law of the jungle. It's old and it's true as the sky."

"If you must blink, do it now."

"Everyone is very very nervous."

"There are days I'm invisible, I can do whatever I want.
I must be careful not to lose that ability."

"Look on the bright side. Nobody got hurt."
- "People got hurt."
- "I'm saying, I think they died quickly. So I don't think they got hurt."

"Nobody can survive in that forest for six years.
At least not alone."

"Ever since I was born, I was dope."

"Your problem is that you're not happy being sad.
But that's what love is, Cosmo. Happy sad."

If you missed it, here's my list for 2015.

me likey, magic movie moments

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