Derby Days

Jul 06, 2009 16:22

This whole getting my ass in gear thing is kind of awesome, and I'm gonna kind of blog about this as I go forth this next month...kind of a motivator to myself to make sure that I'm consistently pushing myself. I'm gonna be the bug up my own ass. Which is a very strange metaphor visually.

Last night I went skating and the first half was just AWFUL. I ended up being so tired that I think I may have had a panic attack and rolling off and taking all of my gear off and just sitting and calming down for a good half hour/forty-five minutes. Once I got over it and drank a million gallons of gatorade, I threw on all of my gear again and went out. I was still tired as hell from my 6 hour drive from West Virginia, but overall, I was able to improve on some stuff thanks to one of the coaches (Yosemite Slam) skating behind me and helping me work on crossovers. I was even able to do a turn around toe stop. Once. But still! I actually did the damn thing, which means I can do it again. T-stops are coming along better too. (For those of you who don't know what the HELL I'm talking about, look any of those up on the internet. For any of you who don't know about derby a whole lot, here's a lovely comprehensive video that explains the game:

So yeah. I'm going to try and make my schedule as follows:

Sunday: Open Skate at Putty Hill
Monday: Adult Open Skate
Tuesday: Spinning Class/ Open Skate at Dundalk
Wednesday: Spinning Class / Open Skate at SkateZone in Crofton (if I can make it out that way)
Thursday: Spinning Class /Open Skate at Putty Hill
Saturday: Possible that I may attent SkateZone ... they have this thing called Pay n' Stay where I could potentially skate from 1-11. You heard me. 10 hours of skating. .................I'm genuinely thinking about doing this the weekend before tryouts. Otherwise I'm going to shoot for Montebello.

Fridays will be sacred. Meaning I will be drinking or sleeping a fuckton.

Here's hopin. I will keep on my own ass about it.


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