Dec 31, 2008 08:46

2008 was definitely a transition year. 2007 involved a lot of atonement for what I did and what I failed to do. 2008 was the year where this goof ball aquarian finally got off his lofty cloud of idealism and walked the mundane world of present circumstance.

In 2008.

- I completely erradicated my debt,
- Got my kung fu back and powered up to a level, I never had before,
- For the 1st time did a reverse friend audit and added some wonderful, beautiful people in my life,

- Added yoga to my list of positive and permanent lifestyle changes,
- Resumed the regular travel schedule.
- Earned a Bicycling Level Up. :)
- Read more books for entertainment than I ever had before.
- Cut my financial overhead to live more with less.
- Socialized more and still got more done. (slept less though)

- Created my own job security in this crappy economy, by demonstrating my competence.

- Laid the foundation for the actualization of plans that have been left idle over the years.

- Made good on my goal to be a little more selfish in order to achieve said plans.

It's been a pretty damn good year for me, and 2009 will just be a continuation of that. I'm in the black in just about every facet of my life right now, well, except.. ya know.

Funny, I went to this crazy old psychic with an old friend from grade school. She, just as she was 15 years before, was extremely accurate and specific about aspects of my life. When she took my palm, she said quite frankly, "John, you have everything in your life in order, except your Venus line. It's extremely complex. "

Coincidence, self-fulfilling prophesy or just an amusing lucky guess, it doesn't matter; it makes life more interesting.

Cheers to 2009, I look forward to a year filled with excitement, friends and fun.
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