My flatmate is out of town, so I figured I'd get some cleaning done, but the internets beckons me!
It seems mopeds are making a comeback, at least among the Wicker Park Hipster Crowd. Personally, I think they are kind of impractical. They are a 110 pound bicycle with a small motor on it that doesn't go more than 30mph (by law). Hell, I can cruise at 24 mph on my bike without a motor. Thus, my mind wanders as I clean....
I should sell two of my bikes and put together one Frankenstein bike comprised of
this electric bike motor kit and
this front crankset The end result is an electric bike that you can pedal at 70rpm from any speed up to around 40mph. Yeah, by my calculations an e-bike like this could go 40mph/64kph and weigh about 37lbs.
Ha, I think I would hurt myself very badly.
jv, back to cleaning.