You are the fourth Doctor! You're certainly the most popular. You've got quite the bohemian sense of style, and you never met a scarf that was too long. You have no qualms about playing a bit of a buffoon, but your carefree nature turns into steely resolve in the face of danger.
Which Doctor (from Doctor Who) Are You? Tom Baker was the first Doctor I ever watched and still remains my favorite of the ones I've seen. (I haven't seen all the Doctors in the series, just numbers 1-6) I am rather fond of Patrick Troughton's Doctor though and even the grumpy first one, but Baker's reigns supreme.
I could never find jelly babies here, so I made do with gummi bears -- I expect they are similar -- but some day I would like to try REAL jelly babies.
I'd love a sonic screwdriver too, but that might be rather harder to get than some jelly babies . . .