Ha, Ha, Finally Archived!

Dec 13, 2016 14:22

I have finally-finally-started archiving my fics on AO3! :D

I had 2 up from previous ficathons, but now I've got 7 stories loaded and I'm so proud of myself. After a lot of indecision, I finally decided that I'm going to:
  • take my time and upload 1-3 stories a day*
  • try to upload stories from different fandoms each day**
  • immediately backdate stories I don't like so much
  • eventually backdate all stories, but I'd like for the good stuff to get renewed love
  • skip fandoms I wrote only for friends
  • *on days I upload any
    **at some point I will run out of other fandoms because OMG I HAVE WRITTEN SO MUCH SG-1 FIC
I'm still deciding what to do with drabbles (grouping vs not)-but for now I can start uploading all the longer fic or the fic that is So Good It Must Stand Alone.

Also, because I just CANNOT stop myself, I'm doing a read on each story before posting and cleaning up some language and punctuation. It's not much, just enough to give my older stories a clean polish. (OMG there are so many semi-colons.)

Since I'm technically new to AO3, I have some QUESTIONS.
- If there's no collection for a ficathon (specifically J/D Ficathon XI), is it kosher to list that in collections?
- How do you let someone know something is in a season if it's not tied to a specific episode? (Basically: is there a tag for that? If not, should I list the season in the summary?)
- If you click a link below and look at the header info, is there anything I'm not doing right/should tweak?

Anyway, if you haven't read my stories in a long time, go give them some love on AO3. (Yes, I'm going to post a link round-up every few days. It is my Winter Holiday gift to you.)
★'d fics are personal favorites.

Stargate: SG-1
In the Stars, PG-13, Daniel/Sha're, pre-series, angst (1,400 words)
this is one of my all-time favorite fics

Signs of Weakness, PG, Jack/Daniel, season 2, "Prisoners" episode tag, glasses!kink (800 words)
um, I had forgotten how good this is???

Hands Down Or, PG-13, Jack/Daniel, season 7, body-sharing Jack's body (3,400 words)

Harry Potter
These Chucks Don't Burn Like They Used To, PG-13, Teddy/James Sirius, rock band au (17,600 words)
this is one of my all-time favorite fics

Baby Got Back, PG, Fred & Gunn friendship, early season 3, humor (300 words)

fic:em, fanfic

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