kennyworld and beyond..

May 14, 2006 15:05

so pretty much my weekend kicked ass. rick and i got up early again friday since there was no school and we headed out to kennywood! first we went to his grandmothers and got some more free gas for the trip and picked up some more faygo; like always. then we stopped sorgels and visited the sheepies and the ass. also we saw tubby and his friend and some billy goats! we petted them and watched out for the poop then we went inside the gift shop. i bought my father some burts bee's because it made me think about him, and i miss him a lot. then he bought some apple tree oil spray; smells am.azing. then we saw the ducks and the baby eggs! it was so cute. we also watched a bird with stuffing in his mouth fly to his nest. then we went inside and i got a gobb and ricky got some what we thought looked awesome coffee, but it really wasn't.

then off to kennywood! i had so much fun while i was there. the weather was dreary, yeah it was really cold at some times but it was so worth it. rick and i played some arcade games. some old ones that were taken off the market for many reasons; haha. then we rode the jackrabbit first! it was so much fun! then we took off and rode a bunch of other rides i never thought i would ride; only for the fact that my stomach was already upset. we wrode the pit fall and the king kahuna. we did noah's arch aka the walking ride of hell. -_- i still mean to kick your ass for that one rick. then i got the nads to ride the aero something or another. that one really got to me. then rick and i got a lemonade and played some more arcade games and then we left.

the ride there was so much fun :] good thing i'm the smart one in the relationship lol! getting back home took no time at all. i love rick so much. he's always taking care of me and doing so much for me. he's honestly the greatest boyfriend i've ever had.i wouldn't wish for anything else♥

saturday we went to dotty's and picked up some stuff because she's moving :[ then we went tanning!!! i'm so fucking amazed that my boyfriend enjoyed going tanning with me. wow ♥ then we just went back to his house and layed in bed and watched lion king. smolka called :| said some things i didn't like and then i went home. i had to babysit at 6:00; blah. oh and amazingly enough shady ass dals called rick and left a message on his voice mail. so i called her and nicely asked what was up with it and she denied it. she said she never called and that she hates him. meanwhile rick's got a voice mail and she even called his house phone so we got that on there too. whatever. she didn't have to lie. THEN she calls us in the middle of the night, having jeff sing some dumb ass song on my voice mail. whatever. some people need to get a life.

today is mothers day. i called my grandma wolfe and my dad and step mom in virginia. i feel so much better that i did that. ♥
first thing i did when i woke up was give mom a hug and wish her a happy mothers day. i'm making dinner for everyone tonight. momma just got home, she picked up some on the boarder food!!! it made me think of rick even more. see everything i do i think of rick. i can't do anything :]♥ hehe. anyways that's enough for now. i'm glad i didn't go to prom this year. too much going on.

i hope i graduate.
ricky i love you so much baby:]
today would of been the coheed show
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