Gencon is over

Aug 18, 2008 23:21

Well, Gencon is over for 2008 and we had a good time.

I ran 128 hours of games. Well, not exactly 128 straight hours; that is called Gamer Hours. It is 32 players (playing 5 games) at 4 hours per game. So, it was a total of twenty hours of actual gaming, but it felt like 128 hours.

Don't get me wrong, I loved doing it and I will run more games again. But, I was not sure I would run another after my first game. I wrote up two games based on Doctor Who and StarGate SG-1 (using the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games).  Thursday was my first game, running Doctor Who. I had spent a lot of time writing up the scenarios and intros and had help creating the characters. I created boards and mazes for the puzzles. I had spent the morning at Kinkos printing out the sheets and all for both games. One o'clock came around and I was excited and we got started. It seemed to be going okay, but went south somewhere two to three hours into it. I saw boredom in my player's eyes and in their play. I had nothing to help them and I knew this game was a bust. I had an hour between this one and my next game (the StarGate game). T and I went back to our room. I was feeling devastated; I was feeling like I failed. I had no desire to run my StarGate game. But, I sucked it up and had nearly a full table for it. It took all of five minutes to get back in the game and this one was a success, well met and well played. By the end of the night, I was brain dead. T and I went back up to the room and I decided to revisit/rewrite the Doctor Who game in the morning. So, T and I spent the morning redesigned the game. It was the second game scheduled for Friday, an hour after my StarGate game ended. Both went very well, even if the Doctor Who game was short of players.

All told, we had a wonderful weekend. We got to see some old friends and made some new ones. I will be running some of these games locally soon.


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