I didn't do it.....

Jul 29, 2008 22:28

...I was not even born when it happened? And neither were any of the rest of you, so why offer an apology for something that I am not responsible for? Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not proud of my forefathers, but just because there was a proclamation of emancipation, this did not abolish slavery. It is alive and well throughout the world. So, what are we apologizing for? We talk about being the 'greatest nation in the world", yet we allow sweat shops and even approve of them (yes, Wal-Mart shoppers, they do exist).

This world is going to change here very soon. It is going to have to. The rich will continue to exploit the poor, under-privledged and un-educated. They will until the masses stand up in one unified voice and proclaim that enough is enough. And when that happens, the US and the rest of the G8 will find themselves in a downward spiral from which they may not recover. It happend in the Soviet nion and it will happen here too. We are already seeing our dependence on oil reaching deep into our pocket books. Notice, I did not say foreign oil, but all oil and petrolium based products. Wages for "service" and other overseas labor is on the rise as well, which means a rise in costs and who pays for that other than the consumer?

No one, a corporation has to maintain a profit margin favorable to Wall Street (the rich again) or the "worth" of the stock goes down. Hell, Wall Street (our central nervous system of capitolism) has so much more control over the economy than all branches of the government combined. Wall street 'projects" what it thinks a company should do, make, test, etc and if a company fails to meet those objectives for any reason, then the stock price is "devalued". Let's look at an example.

Say Widget Inc (WI) makes the best widgets in the world. Others are making similar widgets and Widget Inc is getting some good competition, but its product is getting out dated. WI is in good health and it's stock is selling at $100/share. Because of this, the value of the company is around $10M. Wall street says that Widget Inc. must bring two new models out by years end of it or it will devalue the stock. The R&D department created two but in early market testing, one proved to be too similar to the old one. WI only brought one new widget to market (and one improved one). Yet, Wall Street, true to its word, drives the price of the stock down to $50/share. The value of the company, who is doing well in sales and has increased its manufacturing due to demand has less capitol, more debt, and will have to lay-off some of its employess. It must seek out cheaper labor and cheaper materials just to meet the profit margins. It was an American company forced to go over seas and out source many of its functions. It fails to meet the profit margins (largely in part of the lost assets and net worth) and it devalued again. The company eventually folds and leads to even more un-employment.  Now, after all that, I have to ask you, who in Wall Street knows what it takes or how to make widgets?

We have a lot of "thinks" controlling the market and no one knows how to do. The rich love it because they get richer, on the un-employed backs of the poor (whose benefits are paid for by the middle class, but that is another story in itself).

*end of rant*


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