Mar 23, 2005 22:12
So today has been a long day in some ways.
I left around 1 of my 2pm appointment in the city to have the doctor look at my throat and see if it's getting any better. (the vocal chords)
I get there just around 2 (after hauling ass so I wouldn't be late), ended up waiting until almost 3 when I was finally called and given a check up by some medical student assistant.
"well, you look fine. do you have any other questions or anything?"
ummm..I think I was supposed to have him look at my vocal chords with the scope..
"oh..well...I'll go get him"
So...I get numbed...get scoped...The nodes are gone, now it's more like a small, tiny blister on one of the sides which seems to be irritating the other side. He said at this point surgery may be something to seriously consider and that it'd be a small procedure of basicially taking the top layer of skin off.
I really don't want to have surgery on my vocal chords. I'll admit it. That really, REALLY scares me.
On a plus side my birthday is in a little over a week and I am planning on having a little get together. Like I've been planning since january. It will be dress up only. Suits or dresses, take your pick on which one you want. The location is still in the air, but I'll let you all know once I figure it out. I think it will probably be on friday april 1st (seeing as mine is on the following sunday and sundays are bad days for parties) So keep your calendars open, folks. I haven't had a birthday party in years and it's going to be good.
I think i'll end it there..on an up note.