Apr 29, 2009 13:41
Some randomness: I think that I am indeed less attractive to mosquitoes now. I should have been eaten alive this morning on my back porch, but I don't have a nip. Booyah. Digging at Rajeev's didn't work; the ground's too hard. I guess I need a pickaxe? Or some rain. I got some Roundup instead and sprayed the lawn where I plan on digging. Also bought marigold seeds for Tommy's place and some herbs I'll probably keep around the house (though I have no idea WHY... I didn't use them very much last year :/). Must stop buying plants...
There is a mystery plant growing in my front yard walkway border. It looks almost like a clematis. I have planted nothing of the sort. Hmmm.
I officially asked for June 16-23 off at work. Now I just need to get the monies together for plane tickets. I think I have some savings bonds what might could be good for that. I am super-excited about a real vacation to a place I've never been with people I think I will probably like a lot. Hoorays!
wake; sleep
eat; excrete
mute; speak
i go; you leave
cycles are all I see
it's making me dizzy