Fanfic: Ordinary People

Jan 05, 2012 21:55

Title: Ordinary People
Author: Natsuko/ thedorabangs
Genre: Romance, Angst
A/N: first yamajima fic~ hope you guys like it ^__^ this one is a personal fave of mine~ :3

Girl I’m in love with you
This ain’t the honeymoon
Pass the infatuation phase

People get attracted to one another for various reasons. Be it the looks, talent, or even just material possessions. And because of that strong pull of desire, we make conclusions that we love the person already.

“Are you cold?” He asked, wrapping his arms around his frame accompanied with warm butterfly kisses down the length of his neck.

But he knew and has assured himself that the feeling he bore wasn’t just of mere infatuation. Because he loved every single part of him…. Despite the fact that he was damn nothing…

Right in the thick of love….
At times we get sick of love…
It seems like we argue everyday

“Shut the fuck up!” Tears streamed down his shaken face as he was backed up the wall.

He could only reply with quivering lips, “You don’t love me anymore, don’t you, Yuto?”

There came silence. He does love him, does he? But nothing came… The tall boy walked out the place with a slam as Yamada broke down the floor with choked sobs.

I know I misbehaved

His eyebrows knotted at the papers in front of him, “Ryosuke… I-I don’t… understand…”

And you made your mistakes

He kept his head bowed, “This won’t work anymore, N-nakajima-k-kun…” Yamada said with the calmest voice he could best muster, after which he returned the silver band that promised them an eternity.

And we both still got room left to grow

He could only throw piercing daggers at the hand casing the ring matching his, “You’re Nakajima as well.”

And though love sometimes hurts

He shook his head, shoving the papers into the latter’s hands.

I still put you first
And we’ll make this thing work
But I think we should take it slow

Yuto set the papers aside, took the ring and inserted it back where it’s supposed to be, “Ryosuke would remain a Nakajima.”

We’re just ordinary people

He reclined back on his seat, finishing the glass of red wine in hand.

We don’t know which way to go

The boy released a small laugh. Who knew that he, the Nakajima Yuto, the man of all possibilities would be fretting over a problem petty to most people?

Cuz we’re ordinary people

He was his waterloo, always have, always will. He was Yamada Ryosuke.

Maybe we should take it slow…

Yuto was so engrossed with his dreams that he forgot to treasure the very special person that was the reason for it all…

This time we’ll take it slow

They were able to overcome various obstacles and now they’re… falling apart. Moving out, divorce papers, everything seemed so fast and…

“How can life be so unfair?!” Yuto shrieked, throwing the empty bottles of liquor off the table.

But then, life is never unfair. People are.

This time we’ll take it slow

Now he was able to prove that regret comes when you’ve already lost something… or someone in his case. Yet it’s not too late, right? With a few more thoughts, his hands forming a fist, he dashed out the door. He won’t lose him.

This ain’t a movie, no

When he was younger, he hoped only of a happy ending.

No fairytale conclusions y’all

That they will be a person who’ll sweep him off his feet with his white stallion, the one who’ll be showering him with gifts and words. But as he grew up, he realized how foolish his thoughts of love are. That the romantic dramas he used to squeal over and wish to have the same experience are meant to be watched and watched alone. Because we age we realize what we truly want in life….

Trust, care, and happiness…

It gets confusing everyday

How ironic we people are that once we have this, to have the person we worked hard for, we begin to get used to it. A little too much that we forget how much the person means to us. We fail to appreciate.

Sometimes it’s heaven sent

“YES!” Yamada squealed, wrapping his arms around his new lover’s neck and kissed him on the lips.

Yuto and Ryosuke liked having long drives. All they needed was a full tank on their gas, the car speakers on full blast and each other.

The shorter boy thought it was just a normal day when Yuto asked him out for another drive one day. They passed a long, expressway and he almost drifted off to sleep if it wasn’t for a sudden shoutout on the radio.

“Here’s another dedication guys. To my Ryo-chan,” The broadcaster said, and Ryosuke immediately sat up straight. Could this Ryo-chan be him? “Look out the window.”

Doing as he was told, his mouth gaped open at the big bulletin board he came face to face with; a smirk spread across Yuto’s lips secretly before pulling over.

It had the picture of him, and Yuto, with words in bold capital letters, “Would you be mine forever, Ryosuke Yamada-Nakajima?”

Who knew that a simple drive could lead them to such a happy path….

Then we head back to hell again

It was one of the most hushed drive they ever had. No radio, the atmosphere tensed, and not a single word escaped from their lips. It was driving Yuto mad.

“You don’t have to leave yet…” he blurted out so suddenly that it startled Ryosuke, “I mean… we can just… sleep in separate rooms… you don’t have to leave the house…”

The latter gave off a humble smile, “It’s what’s best… for us…”

Yuto refused to lose, “It’s not! It wou-“

“Can you not see that it hurts me, Yuto?” and this shut him up. Perhaps this was his retribution. It was his fault afterall.

We kiss and we make up on the way


“Besides,” Ryosuke started after quite some time, shifting on his seat to face the taller boy fully, “I’ll come visit.” And he gave him a small peck on the cheek.

The most painful one he ever received. Because it meant it was the last one he’ll ever obtain from him.

I hang up, you call

“Yuto,” He immediately left his pile of work the moment he heard his voice, “are you b-busy?”

“It’s okay… it’s late, Still not sleepy?”

“I can’t sleep, actually…. I… I wanted to hear your voice.” And he smiled at this.

We rise and we fall

“And also… the divorce papers….?” Ryosuke said faintly that he nearly failed to hear it. Oh how he wish he just did.

And we feel like just walking away

“I’m not signing those papers!” He ended the call, throwing his phone in frustration afterwards.

As our love advances
We take second chances

They passed by the place where he proposed unexpectedly, bringing such bittersweet memories.

“Do you remember this place?” He asked, never taking his eyes of the road.

“How can I forget?” The other boy gave a nervous laugh.

Though it’s not a fantasy
I still want you to stay

“Would I be so selfish if I asked you once again?” This time he stepped on the brakes, stopping instantaneously on the same spot 5 years ago.

“What?” The question left him rather confused.

“Nakajima Ryosuke, please stay.”

Take it slow

Those words worked like magnets that attracted him back to his arms.

Maybe we’ll live and learn

They let all the worries fly as their lips touched.

Maybe we’ll crash and burn

Finally realizing the confirmation of their true feelings, they allowed their bodies to move in sync with the beating of their hearts.

Maybe you’ll stay, maybe you’ll leave, maybe you’ll return

“What if’s” disregarded as regrets transformed to their only reason to live.

Each other.

Maybe another fight, Maybe we won’t survive

Everyone has problems.

But maybe we’ll grow, We never know

And these are the things which make us stronger.

Baby you and I

“I love you”

We’re just ordinary people
We don’t know which way to go

His eyes fluttered open, smiling as the sun started to rise. It amazed him how such a dark and hopeless night ended with the blinding orange and yellow streaks of the sun. It reminded him of them. How his relationship with Ryosuke was falling apart. Yet, with realization the sun rose again in their lives and lighted their paths.

Cuz were ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow

His smile became bigger as the boy beside him stirred in his sleep, “Y-yuto??”

“Ohayou, Ryosuke,” he gave him a peck on the lips, “did you sleep well?”

It was the boy’s turn to smile, “I missed you so much,” tears escaped from his eyes as he pulled him down the bed once again.

We’re just ordinary people
We don’t know which way to go

Another kiss, “I’m sorry, Ryosuke… and I love you so much, please don’t go?”

Cuz were just ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow

“I won’t… never again… I love you,” and they found themselves back to the game they just had…

Take it slow

..When suddenly their phone rang. They didn’t bother pulling away from each other knowing the answering machine is at work.

“Good morning, I would just like to follow up on your divorce with Ryosuke-san?” This however made them stop.

“Ryosuke?” Yuto caressed his husband’s cheek, ”Whatever makes you happy, would make me happy too.”

This time we’ll take it slow

He grinned, “What divorce?”


AN:  ^___^ made this for the yamajima songfic contest lol wanted to post it on my own journal~ :3 enjoy~ ^__^

yamajima, oneshot, fanfiction

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