Characters: Jonouchi, Machi
Setting: Upstairs East/Rose hallways
Time: Day 002, after Wild YUKIMI Appears!
Summary: A moody Machi encounters the amazing Jono!
Warnings: Lots of blond hair!
Jonouchi woke up feeling refreshed for the first time since he'd wound up in this house. He got himself dressed and ready to roll as he thought about all his experiences thus far. Some were better than others, as his hand subconsciously made its way to his pocket, touching his 'prize' once more. Still, all in all, he was happy with his time there. It wasn't that he enjoyed being stuck, but he was making the most of it. He had met good people, had some unique experiences, and if he could manage to meet up with Zetsu again he might even learn a thing or two. If he could go back to Domino better, smarter, stronger... well, then no matter how many monsters there were, it'd be a worthwhile experience.
He slid on his duel disk and was ready to go. Once he had a bite to eat, he'd check out that part of the house he hadn't been to yet - he swore he saw a door he hadn't been through earlier. Throwing open the door, he strode through the hallways with confidence to spare.
The whole rest of the day was ahead of him! Time to face it head on.