Suddenly, Plants! [Active, Open]

Sep 03, 2008 22:58

Characters: Machi Tobaye, Zetsu, Simon the Digger
Setting: Green House, various
Time: Day 002, Mid-Morning
Summary: Machi meets Zetsu again
Warnings: Smiling! This is serious business.

...thousands of them! )

!day 002, !complete, zetsu (naruto), simon the digger (gurren-lagann), machi tobaye (ace attorney)

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weeatbodies September 4 2008, 05:03:54 UTC
"Good." Zetsu wondered idly who the man and woman were; the only definitely adult male he recalled meeting so far, aside from Sasori, was Rorschach--that, and the man who had tried to hang himself. He supposed the man was a man, though he certainly acted like a child in some respects. Somehow, he doubted it was him--probably Rorschach then, or one of the others in the house. Nanaki could count as an adult male, but he had a feeling that Machi wouldn't have said 'man' about him, instead of 'animal' or something of that nature....

"I'm not hurting anymore." Zetsu shook his head; Machi had gotten him, and quite cleanly, too; it was difficult to dodge things like that when you were shot point black. A distance always gave you a little more breathing room. "I fixed it. I could fix your hand too, if you want; I'm a doctor." Hopefully now, that freak out had been a one-time only affair and he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. He didn't want to garner enemies where he didn't have to--hell, even Koizumi had broken down, though his had been of an entirely different nature. If that was the case, maybe he could just fix the damage he'd done, and they could go about trying to forget that the whole miserable incident had ever happened at all.


machitobaye September 4 2008, 05:19:54 UTC

Machi's expression conveyed his feelings pretty clearly (feelings that bordered on abrupt alarm). "No, I, uh... I am being fine." He stammered, tucking his injured hand under his arm defencively. "I am... not thinking it... fixing, now, anyway." He lowered his head, looking sombre. Then suddenly he raised it again, his expression becoming more distressed. "But, I am needing gun back. Please, I no can... I can not defend myself with no weapon!" The knife didn't count--that was all he had right now, but he knew as well as anyone that it wouldn't be of any help. He almost took a step forward, then hesitated, swaying slightly on the spot before taking a step back instead, to steady himself. "I am not meaning to shoot you--I very sorry!"


weeatbodies September 4 2008, 05:57:46 UTC
The expression was all too clear, and Zetsu had to bite back a frustrated sigh at it; he was startled again. Blind, unqualified alarm from someone who he supposed had reason to fear him, but still was definitely not in a circumstance where it seemed smart to do so. He'd offered to help, for Nature's sake! He was trying to get this shit into the past, to make things right, to have all of this over and done with. He hadn't even said it menacingly--just like when they had first met, Machi was going with his impressions, not by what was right in front of his face. Damn, that sort of thing always made him angry....

Zetsu swallowed his annoyance for now, though, and shook his head--he might as well explain and attempt the effort. "You shot me here." He patted the offending leaf, in the general area the bullet had struck. "The holes are gone now; they were fixed, and your hand can still be fixed."

Was the begging supposed to make him feel sorry for Machi? It showed him Machi's necessity of having a weapon, certainly, and that he clearly wanted it.... But still. Something about the utter lack of dignity, the desperation, the begging.... Somehow, it sickened him. He couldn't help the disgust, as much as he tried, though he managed to keep his expression neutral. It was shameful and degrading and pathetic, it lowered the boy, encouraged Zetsu to think of unsettling feelings of sub-humanity that he hated. He supposed it was effective in getting the gun back.... but still, all it made him want to do was get away from Machi as soon as possible. With that thought in mind, he reached into his cloak, fishing in one of the pockets to pull out the empty gun and loose bullets.


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