Follow your nose! [Active, Open]

Jul 21, 2009 10:14

Characters: Kanji Tatsumi, Dug, Misty
Setting: Sewing Room
Time: Day 11! ... at some point!
Summary: Dug finds a Kanji to love
Warnings: Dug loves you

There were a lot of things Dug didn't understand. Where exactly he was and how a house could appear out of nowhere were two of those things, but being the curious and adventurous pup he was, Dug was more than willing to go along with it. The house itself was fun to explore, and was a welcome change from the wilderness and blimp he was used to. Sure, it didn't have a lot of the dog conscious amenities and food was a lot harder to get to, but it was new and exciting! There could even be all sorts of new birds there, and then his master would really be pleased! With his nose to the ground, Dug allowed it to lead him wherever it may.

There was one smell in particular that perplexed the dog, leading the golden canine upstairs and down the hallway. It wasn't quite a mailman and it wasn't quite a dog, and without seeing it the golden canine's mind just couldn't comprehend it. What could be like a mailman and a dog at the same time? His search led to a door, and to his disappointment, it didn't have a doggy door either. Who would possibly make such a big house without dogs in mind? Didn't they like dogs? Thankfully the door was slightly ajar, so Dug was able to push his way inside with his big black nose. Sniffing around, he knew he was close! The mail-dog-man had to be here somewhere!

dug (up), kanji tatsumi (persona 4), *acedia, misty (pokémon), !day 011

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