Seems farther than ever before [Complete]

May 06, 2009 22:18

Characters: Kairi, Patchouli Knowledge.
Setting: Small Library.
Time: Day 009, around afternoon.
Summary: Kairi tries to read classic English literature and meets Patchouli. Apparently she's far too nice for her, because Patchouli begins to cry by her graciousness, and Kairi tries to comfort her but trips and lands ontop of her instead. And accidentally kisses her. Awkward~ Later though, they become friends.
Warnings: Completely accidental girl/girl kissing and awkward positions.

With little else to do but sleep, the redheaded girl walked into the house's small library, glancing around. It appeared rather cozy, just like plenty of rooms in the rest of the house, but looks were deceiving. She knew that at nighttime, this pleasant little room would become covered in darkness and shadows, with monsters and ghosts susceptible to traverse through it. It was somewhat dim because of the lack of windows, and what with the lights still off, she had to make her own light.

The night before she had learned how to create light with her keyblade by summoning a small amount of energy; she did that now, letting the tip of her keyblade glow with a warm luminance. Kairi began to peruse the shelves, spotting an author she recognized: Jane Austen. Tucked away in between Emma and Sense and Sensibility was Pride and Prejudice, a book Selphie had recommended to her. She'd have to read it next year in school, anyway (if she could ever go back), so why not get a head start?

She slipped the book out from its place on the shelf and retreated to one of the plush, extravagant armchairs. The girl, curled up, cracked open the book and began to read the first page.

'It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.'

"Oh, this is ridiculous," She sighed, half-way closing the book and lifting her violet-tinted eyes up towards the ceiling.

!day 009, patchouli knowledge (touhou project), kairi (kingdom hearts), !complete

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