Characters: Marisa, Patchouli
Setting: F1 E, Small Library
Time: Day 009
Summary: Marisa finds the Small Library, and begins looking around, meeting a very familiar face.
Warnings: Slight girl-girl sexual tension.
It had been at least an hour since she had parted ways with Adachi to cover more ground in this weird mansion.
It had sure been dark when she had arrived, but now that it was daylight, looking out the windows was like looking almost directly at the sun, even tilting the brim of her hat over her eyes wasn't enough for her. On the plus side, she hadn't run into any more monsters since the sun came up, she hoped that they hated the daylight, and that's why they hadn't appeared again. Still, she missed the night, but only if for her eyes.
She'd looked through the east wing quite thoroughly, there really hadn't been anything of interest to her... and then she'd entered the little library in the northwest. Lovely little place, stuffed to the gills with books, and plenty of comfort emanated from the chairs. She began to look at the shelves, finger running along the spines of each book as she looked at the titles, among those being The Gunslinger, The Stand, and Wizard and Glass by some guy named Stephen King, Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, The Complete Kama Sutra, whatever that was, among other things.
Looking again, she noticed The Gunslinger and Wizard and Glass were parts I and IV of some larger work... She didn't see any more of those parts in the shelf, however. She took both books from the shelf and put the Part IV one where she kept the rest of her things, and opened the other book, and began to read.
"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed ze," she began.