009 | [voice/action]

Nov 17, 2011 20:03

[For someone who had never seen rain before she came to Luceti, the frozen white version of it falling from the sky is even more astounding. She wants to ask Vash about it, but the gunman still hasn't woken from his Malnosso-caused slumber, which is why she turns to the journals. It's not so much because she wants to know right away, though. More because she doesn't want to think about why she can't ask the person she meant to.]

This stuff that's falling everywhere outside. Is that snow?

[After she poses the question, Amelia's going to leave House 5 for the day. Outside in the cold, she has to keep moving to stay warm, which suits her fine. She's never felt comfortable being idle, and focusing on something keeps her from thinking too hard about all the things she can't do. One of the first places she goes is the clothing store, again; no matter how hard she tries, Amelia just can't seem to find clothes that are thick enough in this weather. She'll also stop some place to eat, but outside of that? Amelia's got nothing specific in mind, so she can be found pretty much anywhere.]
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