So, despite feeling sick over the last few days, and despite feeling somewhat alone over the weekend, and despite EVERYTHING, today was a good day. I felt much better when I woke up this morning than I did yesterday. I'm not feeling that bad about things in my life right now. I mean, I've somehow gotta reconcile keeping this job with the new REALLY high gas prices, and my money's been pretty tight since my car repairs a few weeks ago... but other than money issues (which are ALWAYS going to be present, this I know), I'm feeling pretty okay.
I'm actually surprised. As someone pointed out to me recently, I am a wallower. When bad things happen to me, I hold on to them for longer than I should. I usually keep myself sad and melancholy for weeks after a breakup... but surprisingly, I'm okay.
I feel more grounded now than I have in the last few months. I feel like I'm a little more anchored to my own personality than I was when this shitstorm started. I'm getting a better grip on who I am. I may not like all of my qualities, but I'm coming to terms with them, and I'm just going to be me. These are the things I've learned about myself:
1. I am the son of David Joseph Demko and Rose Marie Demko. My parents and the rest of my small family have always loved and supported me. I can't say I've always been the best in return, but I do sincerely try. My close-knit family has made the transition into my social circle, in the fact that I see my friends as part of my family. There are some family members I don't like, but I socialize with them just as easily as I do with the ones I love, because I like to keep the peace in my family. That doesn't always work. That's something I need to start accepting...
2. I am comedian at heart. I love to make bad jokes, and love making people laugh and applaud. I love to perform, and admittedly, love to be the center of attention. I like things to be about me. This can be a rather selfish goal at times, but other times, I realize when a situation calls for the attention to be on someone else, and can give up the spotlight if needed.
3. Speaking of selfish, I can be very selfish at times. But at other times, when it suits me, I can be completely selfless. I've learned that there's no real rhyme or reason to when I do these things... I wish I did, because if I knew when I was being selfish, I'd spend more time by myself.
4. I am creative. I am a 'jack of all trades' when it comes to creativity, but master of none. I can draw, paint, write (prose or poetry), play music, and sing. All of these things I do well, but I do none of them exceptionally so. I haven't been motivated to creativity in a long time. I need a muse.
5. I am a child at heart, and that will never change. I need to realign my responsibilities and my priorities in a lot of ways, but I will never give up my childish spirit. If I ever wind up with someone, they will either a) have to have the same spirit, or b) be able to accept my childish ways. I will always carry the Peter Pan Syndrome (though, never to Michael Jackson's extent, I think).
6. I can be lazy, but have found creative ways to motivate myself recently. Ironically, my laziness IS a motivating factor in my being able to finish my work so quickly every day. I just want to get home and relax and rest, so I finish my work as quickly as I can.
7. I care too much about what people think of me and what I do. This is one I've had a problem with over the past few weeks. I've cared too much about what other people would say if they found out such-and-such, or what would they think of me if they found out I did blahbitty-blah. I have been too focused on what other people think and not focused enough on what I think. I've tried to fix that in the last few weeks, and I'm sure I've got a long way to go... but if I can't forgive myself for what I've done, then why should I even bother finding out if anyone else has forgiven me (especially if it isn't even their place to forgive me!)
Anyhow, these are my ramblings. I don't expect any comments, as none of this is up for debate. I'll screen any comments you might want to make, so feel free to say what you please.
Signing off,