Random thoughts on House.

May 08, 2007 22:59

Thoughts on tonight's episode!

Didn't like it.

- Wilson on Speed is funny. As is the whole drugging each other for fun and profit part of House and Wilson's relationship.
- Wilson on anti-depressants is less funny. House on anti-depressants is hilarious, though.
- I don't know if I actually believe that Foreman is leaving. I can see it going either way. If Omar Epps has better offers, I can see him leaving. On the other hand, it might just be TPTB jerking us around. The weird conversations he had with everyone felt bad-awkward, and not good-awkward.
- I didn't like Honey, which is weird, because I even managed to like the girl from One Day, One Room, which apparently, makes me uncool in fandom. Honey just wasn't given enough personality to be interesting. She's a vegan! She accepts that House is an honest asshole! She's pretty! Seriously, it's not enough for me to care.

Also, that meme, now that I kind of have free time:

Name three fics that you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them.

Have at it, people.

house, meme

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