The Journey to North Wales!

Apr 08, 2007 00:02

This entry has it all: Beautiful scenery! Beautiful men! Talking... penises?

Photos from the bus and train ride into North Wales. I love how some of them look like paintings due to photographing them through the windows.

At this point we were on the second-worst bus ride ever. The worst came later that day.

Snowdonia! The railroad that went up the mountain was not running yet so we just walked around the town and looked at the stunningly gorgeous scenery. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

It was also possibly the coldest place I have ever been. Here are Steven and I enjoying the weather.

The sky here is so beautiful, the light and the brilliant blue of it.

Once again, hooray for zoom lenses! This looked like something out of a fairytale.

This area actually reminded me a bit of San Francisco, with the brightly-coloured houses.

After this we went back to catch the train on the WORST BUS EVER. From now on whenever someone is driving badly I am going to have to tell them that they must have attended the North Wales School of Busdriving. We were thrown several feet up into the air above our seats, there were cars honking right and left, and they were going at what felt like 80 or so on windy little mountainside roads. Wheeeeee.

On the way back we stopped at a beach, which was incredibly beautiful and also incredibly cold.

I like the angle of this one. Also, the subject matter.

This is one of my favorite photos of Steve.

Another Best Sign Ever.

More of my infatuation with blurred lights. This was in Chester again on the way home.

Another of Steve and Tara.

These machines were in the bus station bathroom at Liverpool. They sold magic tampons that helped increase your self-confidence and freedom, as well as...

Condoms whose logo were, well, a talking penis. With sunglasses.

These signs are everywhere, and every time I saw one I started giggling.

Apparently I want to murder the camera here.

And I just really liked these two of Steve.

I think the red in this one was from the bus window, but it looks kind of neat.

And a taste of things to come... A sample image from my next photo entry! We journeyed into strange (and often frightening) realms after England and North Wales.

photos, scotland, steve

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