At last...

Mar 22, 2007 12:05

All right, here are "Steve and I" and "a castle." This should suit anyone's photo-viewing needs for my stay in Scotland, but just in case it doesn't I'm posting 59 more photos under the cut. They're all this size and I really think they're worth seeing, but that's still a buttload of photos so I am warning you.

This is the bag my breakfast came in on the plane into Manchester. It was so creepy that I had to immortalize it with a photo.

Why window seats kick ass.

These two were taken somewhere over Ireland.

This was taken on the bus ride to Edinburgh. The Edinburgh photos came up before the Perth ones, and I don't really feel like rearranging them at the moment.

More bus ride.



Edinburgh! They have the most gorgeous buildings.

More of said gorgeous buildings.





Steve looking gorgeous among the gorgeous buildings.

They also have a giant metal foot!

I'm really fighting an urge to talk about how awful I think I look here. And I think I may have just lost. But still! Giant foot!

A park.

More beautiful architecture.

I'm not sure why I'm still writing captions for all of these. I guess I don't have to.

Why I love my camera's zoom feature. I couldn't even really see this from where I was.

One more of Edinburgh.

This one is actually of Perth and is in the wrong order, which I apologize for. The architecture here is gorgeous as well. I think I took this one as I had just gotten off of the bus with Steve on my first day here.

Edinburgh Castle.

A castle dude.

More castle.

I love this building, the black and the brilliant orange and how it's shaped.

The area as you leave the castle.

The city.

This is Steve at his favorite spot in Perth, by the river.

Which is really really really beautiful.

The path leading down to the water.

The bridge.

The opposite bank.

The park next to the this part of the river.

A really spectacular sunset.

And a few more of the river.

Another church. I really love the churches in this town.


Apparently this is some kind of hip club, which sucks, but the blue! It's soooooo pretty!

The swans and lights at a park in the evening. I think this is one of the best photos I have ever taken.

Lights on the water.

This swan really really really wanted her(?) photo taken.

And I had to take photos of Steve as well.

Steve has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I'm somewhat obsessed with photographing them. They're sweet and soft and deep and completely open and they have so many different colours in them.

He also has incredibly gorgeous hands.

I even love his filtrum. I've really never found anyone this attractive. I couldn't care less about how he looks, that's not why I fell in love with him or why I continue to love him and will continue to. But it's still really a wonderful added bonus that I think he is so physically beautiful. Basically everything with him is really, really, really, really good. Of course we have problems, but when we do we discuss them and get through them the way you should. I haven't had that with anyone before. We are insanely compatible and things just feel right. I'm comfortable around him, I'm happy. I can sleep when he's next to me. If you know me very well you know what a staggeringly huge deal these things are. This isn't infatuation and it's not settling for someone who isn't quite right, it's just real and how it should be. I never thought I could have anything anywhere near this good, and part of me is still having trouble accepting that I do and that I'm not just going to lose it.

Since I've been here we've spend a lot of time doing this.

But we also do things like this.

Our hands.

My new default icon.

The two of us together. Self-portraits are hard, and it's even harder to get two people. I could set up a tripod and use the timer, but this is what I have for now.

This is the most wonderfully insane thing ever.

The eye obsession again.
I already have many more photos at this point, but these were resized and uploaded and a lot of people have been waiting a while to see them, so I wanted to get them posted. I don't know when I'll post the rest. I've been to England to meet Steve's mother, who is very very very nice, and seen Snowdonia and the coast of the Irish Sea in North Wales and seen many other beautiful places in between, and we still plan to go other places as well as explore more of Perth. I'm going back on the 31st and then Steve is coming to visit me a couple of weeks later. I am doing my best to reply to emails, but I haven't been able to read my friends page most of the month or keep up with people even as often as I normally do. If there are any posts that anyone would particularly like me to read then please link them for me, and email me if you need to get ahold of me.

photos, things, stuff, relationships, i love steve, scotland, steve

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