Made Some changes to my filters - If you'd like to add me (am posting this twice)

Feb 01, 2013 12:24

RECENTLY EDITED: I'm also going to delete all comments here as well

I've just made changes to my filters - I'm not locking down this post for a reason (so everyone can see this).I plan to change the top entry soon (and delete all comments in that top entry so we can start fresh) and I may put in a duplicate entry with today's date (I dunno the repetition may drive people insane)

I'm elminated several filters and combined several. So essentially - here's the breakdown of filters:
  1. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered filter is NOW a general TMI filter - I'll talk about LGBTQ issues, but anything anyone may view as TMI or sexual - I try to put that kind of stuff behind cuts and I don't post non-work safe pictures for the most part.
  2. I've decided to have an additional Sex Filter, it's more of a BDSM filter - please let me know if you'd like to be on it or left off it. It's a pretty small group of folks.
  3. Friends that live in the SF Bay area - I don't use it often but if there's something going on, events, or I want to complain about something that's specific to where I live
  4. People In common writing communities I belong to on Live Journal - It's all about
    , and whatever else I belong to - I group friends that I know from those communities into this filter - it's kind of a general writing filter.
  5. THE BIGGEST filter I use is the MULTIPLICITY filter and it changes frequently- I have two sub filters for this - one with just my mutliple/soulbond friends and one with everyone else that doesn't fall within the "plural" continuunm. Far as friends of mine that don't fall under the Plural continuum will need to ask to be put into this filter.  (my plural friends are in it automatically) Any friends of worldofcharlie are usually put into this by default since they know him first - yada yada.

    If you're interested in multiplicity or know some of my headmates, this Live Journal is the official Singlet journal - which means I'm the only one that ever posts to it.  We have a group Live Journal and Charlie has his own (he's the only one that posts to it as well)

    Wendy, Michael & Alex Jr (And Al but he's never posted), myself & Charlie will post to this journal --> go2neverland - read the Profile before adding.  FYI the profile has recently been updated :)

    If you think you can endure Charlie's overzealous blogging --> worldofcharlie , he hasn't updated his profile in a while but please do read it --> Profile

    Thank you!


    Dated: December 15, 2009

    flist, f.a.q

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