Dec 04, 2007 20:20
So there's this girl in my Japanese class...sort of...who hasn't been in class for the past three weeks or so. The final is tomorrow, and she hasn't signed up for her oral final yet. She called me just now to make sure the written part of the final is tomorrow and wasn't during class Monday (which she missed anyway). And I just can't believe some of the gems that just came out of her mouth...
"I don't know why I haven't been doing well (in Japanese)..." (Could be because you haven't BEEN TO CLASS! Headdesk #1)
And then she tells me she wasn't in class because she was sick. Apparently her mom thought she "was pregnant, because [she] kept waking up with a headache and [her] eyes hurt," and then she finds out she had pinkeye. (Headdesk #2. Since when do painful eyes when you wake up mean you're pregnant?! Maybe I'm missing something?)
She also said she felt otherwise sick and went to the doctor and told him that she'd been behind on taking her daily she took EVERYTHING SHE MISSED IN ONE GO! (Headdesks #3, 4, and 5.) "I mean, you can't take too many vitamins, right?" (Headdesk #6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.) And the doctor apparently just told her that the vitamins had been interfering with each other, not that she'd probably nearly fatally overdosed on some vitamin or mineral. (Headdesk #11.)
Lol adverbs.
Anyway. Sorry for the rant. I just had to cleanse my brain of the stupid. Back to typing up notes now.