Sep 15, 2005 00:23
Another ramble perhaps? I think so. Subject #1. Being single. It sucks. There's too many people in my life right now that I know things could happen with, but the only one I want to date doesnt even consider me as an option. I'm getting sick of not having anyone around. I dont even have my friends around, and here I am talking about a girlfriend. Jeb doesnt want to drive an hour to my apt. Dan's always with Tera. Mike's in Brockport. Devin and Geoff are in UB. I've lost touch with everyone that ever meant anything to me. I know I've been telling everyone that I like living alone and I guess I've just been telling half truths. I like the privacy, I like having whoever I want over whenever I want without having to be quiet and not wake anyone up. I like having a living room I can actually sit in. But it's empty without other people to fill in the void. I just wish that I could go back in time to about a year ago. If only that could happen... I think I would be the happiest person alive.
Subject #2. School. Another thing in my life that I hate. It's not even like my classes are hard or anything. I'm just not motivated. My mythology class isnt bad. The professor is cool and it's stuff I'm actually interested in. But the other 3 just.. upset me. Criminal justice. The worst of them all. The professor is teaching it like everyone is going to be a CJ major. Okay, so most of them are... but everything's revolving around it. It's not even like it's an elective for me.. I have to pretend it's my career choice. History of rock and roll. Decent class. Fun people and my professor just plays us music on his guitar or from a CD and we learn about the artists and their music. Generally I would love it but it gets boring after you've heard 10 different Jazz or Beebop artists. Then song writing. Total misinterpretation of the class. I thought it was going to be a fun lyric composition class. No. I have to write my own melodies and harmonies and shit like that. I remind you the only instrument I can play decently is the trumpet. Insanely hard.
Subject #3. I hate being sick. For some odd reason, I got a 24 hour flu bug that took alot out of me. Worst headache I've ever had. Sore throat.. wooziness. I can't stand being sick.
My last bit of rambling is person specific.
Marisa: I dont know what the hell happened, but I heard you're back together now. I know we're not so close but call me if you need anything :-/ Hope things get better dear.
Adam: WTF. Call me you asshole. You're not THAT busy with work to come see me.
Joe: You jump around too much. I can't tell if you're up or down. I dont know anything about what's going on with you and what's her face anymore. Get ahold of me.
Kelli: 7 months later and I would still die for you. Never forget. :-*