Illnesses, injuries, etc: 3, CJ: 0

Aug 13, 2007 00:28

OMG! UPDATE! I think I'm mostly just updating once a month. I'm sorry I'm neglecting you, LJ! I've just been... busy? I guess?

No, I'm a procrastinator. That's why. I'll admit it.

Anyway, there's lots to update. I started a golf class to get my PE credits in for high school. It's one credit, and I need three for one whole year of PE. I'll be taking ballroom dancing during school time on Thursdays only. That's two credits. So, I have PE taken care of.

As soon as golf started, I got the flu and such, so I had a fever. Not only that, I lost my appetite so much that I had to force myself to eat at least once a day to make sure I didn't starve. I was also suffering from a bit of insomnia. I couldn't go to sleep until about 6 to 7 AM in the morning. Thankfully, as my golf class rolled around, I felt better again later in that week.

Now, last week was my injury in golf. There's a reason why you yell "Fore!" We were playing 9 holes on this cruddy golf course in another city. The benches are placed slightly in front of (and to the side) of the expert tee boxes. I was in a group of people that included me, my sister, and two other guys. Three of us were sitting on the bench or near the bench and relaxing. Suddenly, WHAM. The guy who was at the expert tee box area sliced the ball and it hit me right square in the back. Argh! It left a huge bruise and left me aching for the next few days. But, eh. All was well after that... It doesn't hurt anymore now.

It still left a bruise though. Bastard! At least he apologized though.

Recently today, I think I had a bit of a fever. It was 76 degrees and everyone was complaining it was too cold. But I felt hot. I took my temperature and it was 100 degrees. So I took a shower and took some Tylenol, and I feel much better now. ^^ I'm going to try sleeping earlier and getting more rest in so I don't get uber sick again.

In other news, I MISS ALL MY SENIOR FRIENDS. One of my friends that I just made last year is going to move to southern California. That upsets me, because she's only moving because her mother wants to, for no real reason at all. My other two senior friends are still going to live up here and go to college here... but... it's still sad. T_T I got to go out and hang with those two for a bit, and they came over to my house too. It was great to hang out with them, but I miss them again. XD

I also have a SmackJeeves account, by the way. SmackJeeves is a free hosting site for your webcomics. ^^ I finally got off my lazy butt and began to work on some comics. (At least a little bit, though. I'm still a procrastinator.) Check them out here:

The most successful one right now is Nani Desu Ka?, a small collaboration webcomic between me and my friends. The main one I'm trying to work on is Defenders of Heart... but you know me. Procrastinator extraordinare.

The top webcomic on there is by my friend that's moving away. It's called King Me!, so check it out if you want. The fifth-most-popular (last time I checked) is another one of her comics, Deus Ex Machina, based off of Norse mythology. So, go and check them out!

I've also been roleplaying more with my character Zilo. Like always, he's been grabbing my attention constantly. He wants to be in everything. On Yahoo, I have five different Zilo IDs now. One of them is a demon hunter/bard Zilo (I blame me watching the Devil May Cry anime constantly), another is the Dirige Zilo from the Utopia Purgatory RP ( forum here: ), and of course, three others are just Zilo's Kingdom Hearts forms, young, middle, and older.

So, if you ever want to RP with him, IM the_sounds_of_an_angel, annoyingly_optimistic, or mischievous.minstrel?

My rat, by the SO fat now..X_X

I should probably sleep now. My mom's been yelling at me to sleep since I said I would sleep about an hour ago. Anyway, catch you guys later.

And so I leave you with a commission I paid someone to make me of Zilo.

defenders of heart, irl, comics, art

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