School is HELL.

Aug 22, 2008 18:03

And I thought college was hard sometimes. Augh. SIX CLASSES IN ONE DAY IS HARD. No, no, not really. I'm just not used to it anymore.

Here's my current school schedule:
1. English 12 - Merrick
2. Physics AP - Gelpke
3. American Government - Wright
4. U.S. History - Wright
5. Pre Calculus H - Swenerton
6. Art - Lund

YES, 3rd and 4th period are the same teacher. I get to move up and down an aisle in his class. Exciting, ain't it? I like the fact that I have art at the end though, and Pre-Calc right after lunch.

My English class is very easy. We have yet to even get our books or do much work at all. Also, we plan on reading Beowulf and Jonathan Swift's “A Modest Proposal”. I laugh because I read ALL OF BEOWULF (Not this tiny clip in the book) already in 6th grade, and I just recently read “A Modest Proposal” in my college English class.

I DREAD my Pre-Calc class though. I remember NOTHING from Algebra II anymore. I think I'm losing my math touch. Even in Star Testing, when in everything else such as English, Science, and World Civ, I got “Advanced”, I got “Average” in Algebra II. I wouldn't be freaking out as much if I was such an A student. I MUST get A's.

Which reminds me - last year my fucking MM2 teacher gave me a B+. She dared to say that I didn't work and I talked too much. She dared to compare me to her fucking NEICE and other ADVANCED PEOPLE who were making PROFESSIONAL 3D STUFF on the Animation: Master website. Um, lady, you didn't even know what the fuck you were teaching. You never taught MM2 before. You only RECENTLY started to get your fucking new MM2 people this year into an “ADOBE LEARNING LESSON” thing. You have no clue how much I wanted to punch you in the face and get you kicked out of the school. I could have. You're lucky I'm NICE. Augh.

I never want to see her wrinkly old face again.

I'm a major nerd. I can't believe how excited I am for my Physics class. It isn't harder than Pre-Calc yet, but it's only the first week so I can't say anything yet. I'm excited though. Physics always made much more sense to me than Biology or Chemistry. I'm just like that. I may not like math or equations that much, but it always seemed more easy to understand than Chemistry. I cannot remember something simple such as the formula for Photosynthesis, but I know F=ma, and I almost slapped myself for not remembering what equation stood for the gravity on Earth's surface.

I'm also excited because we're learning the theory of relativity in general. Squee! And we went over some of Newton's laws a bit earlier.

Did I mention I LOVE Physics? I know, I'm such a nerd.

I also can't wait to mess around and work with the Graphing Calculator I was able to rent out from my school's library.

Speaking of libraries, I got 17 books from the library. I also have one book from my school's library as well - The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, which I read already. I was FURIOUS at my school's library. It looks wonderful, sure, but it doesn't have any NICE, classic books. It has the His Dark Material series and the Hitchhiker series, which is good, but I saw no Virgil! No Homer! No Dante! No Milton. I felt my picky little heart break. It had a nice section for comic books and such though. Along with manga, I saw some a Star Wars comic and one or two Daredevil comics. That reminds me, I also have another book from my school's library - something about digital art and anime, I don't remember.

AS FOR THE BOOKS FROM MY LOCAL LIBRARY, let's see. Several of them are art books. One is a Hip-Hop art book - which is reserved for my beloved Zilo and his sister Ema, who're both highly pop and Hip-Hop influenced. They're 90s children raised on pop, as am I. But Zilo and Ema also love everything else, since pop is made up of various genres. Hip-Hop art has very vibrant, bright colors too, so it easily attracts me. I also have a copy of The Merchant of Venice, since destroyah-des sort of recommended it to me. I also picked up two Roman myth/religion books, a copy of the Illiad, a book of Norse myths, and my favorite copy of Dante's Divine Comedy. I was sad that they don't have a copy of the Aeneid at MY local library. They'd have to ship it in from another library. I should do that sometime. I even got a Fashion book, which I may test on Zilo or other characters. Clothes are just as important as the character sometimes, especially when you're trying to make a comic. :D I need lots of clothes for my Kingdom Hearts fan characters. :D

I also need to keep reading The Resaurant at the End of the Universe.

What else? OH, I love my Art class at the end of the day. It's so relaxing and gives me a chance to do what I love to do - draw. It can be frustrating at times, but eh. It's art. At first I hated it since we were doing nothing but busy work and not even drawing. But now I'm excited. I got to draw a chair - no one else would draw it from the back so I decided to. I thought a lone chair turning away from the viewer would be dramatic. I also drew my hand. Next we're going to draw a person purely from memory or imagination, and then draw a self portrait of ourselves while looking at a mirror. It's hard to do it without looking at just a photograph or picture. This is a pre-instruction drawing to see how much we need to improve. I know we'll be getting this at the end of the year in order to see how better we've gotten. I hope to improve soon. She says her students usually improve within the first three weeks. We'll see. :D

What else?

Oh my gosh, ROCKBAND. Best game ever. Last Sunday I spent the whole time at theemojoy's house playing it. :D I LOVE singing, even though I suck and most of the time I couldn't hit the low notes. But it was still great. I did REALLY WELL on Dani California and Ballroom Blitz though. I really got into Ballroom Blitz. I want to get the game myself just to play it. It made me giddy and in such a Zilo mood lately.

I'm also in a recent 90s nostalgic mood. I got back into my fangirly boyband phase due to me watching Backstreet Boys' “Everybody” video, with them dressed as monsters. I wasn't so interested in the song but how they were designed. Kevin as a Two-Face sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde especially. That amazed me.

And then I got back into N*Sync again too, until I realized Backstreet Boys were all cuter. Then I wonder why I liked N*Sync. Must've been Justin Timberlake.

Me and my friend also tried to figure out what kind of music each of our characters were. It was hard. I have them somewhere in my Yahoo archive but I'm too lazy to pull it up now. Zilo is a mixture of a lot - so he's such a pop child. I swear his voice is of the boyband phase though. He can play an instrument though, so he's not a boyband. My friend's character, Raimi, is obviously power metal, but his voice is too deep to sing it. I was thinking Zilo and Raimi could do power metal together. :D Zilo would love to if Raimi agrees to play some pop songs with him. ;D Like Dani California. Felix is ska, apparently. He can play trumpet, guitar, and sitar. He likes Swing music too. :D His song is “Superman” by Goldfinger. I made Wissen's song like..Vicious Cabaret, I think. I forget who sings it, but it originally came from V for Vendetta. It's sort of creepy but addicting. The guy wo sings it kinda sounds insane. xD

SPEAKING OF DANI CALIFORNIA, the video of it is great. I only recently saw it. It came out in 2006, but it shows a GREAT EVOLUTION of rock music.

image Click to view

Another hit of nostalgia is One Week by Barenaked Ladies. Another 90s classic that reminds us of the good ol' days, especially the rap/fast parts of the song. I also love the song itself. It's about a couple who had a fight, and though the guy knows he's wrong, and he's making the girl apologize. They're both being stubborn about it and want the other to admit they're wrong, but they know they'll make up again. It's kind of a cute song, and very catchy. :D

MAN, I want Rockband 2 too. A great instrument on Rockband would be the keyboard. Everyone who I've talked to agrees with me. It's hard to have a band without a keyboardist. There's only mic, guitar, bass, and drums. Sometimes people don't even have a bass. D: It'd be cool to play with five people too.

I'd have to get the Wii version. I'd like the 360 version tough since you can play a song with other people online, or play head-to-head against them. That's cool.

I also doodled a small picture of characters playing Rockband, but it's cruddy and nowhere near being finished. It has Razen on bass, Raimi on guitar, Tanitin on drums, and of course, Zilo singing “Are You Going to Be My Girl?”

Also, Creep or whatever it's called is SUCH a depressing song. Me and my friends weren't even into it when playing/singing it, but it made us VERY DEPRESSED anyway. Haha, apparently too, it didn't play on English radio for too long either because it was deemed “too depressing for radio.”

Also, in depressing news, my grandmother on my father's side passed away yesterday. I decided not to go to the funeral since it'd be too much money to travel there and it would also require me to miss school. There were not enough seats on the flight anyway. May she rest in peace. Now within the last two years I have no living grandparents. It's sad, but I really think I'm over it now. If there is a better place for her, then I'm glad she's there. At least she's no longer in pain and can go with my grandfather who passed away last year. She decided to stop doing dialysis. That's why she died. At least we know her cause of death, unlike my grandfather's. I'm just letting you guys know what's up. I don't really need much sympathy at all - that actually might make me more emotional. Like I said, I'm glad she can finally be happy with my grandfather, if not spiritually then side by side in the earth.

I should probably get to reading these books of mine, or drawing. I sure as hell don't want to do my homework, but I will eventually. Maybe I'll read my Physics book to get that homework out of the way. And maybe US History. But no Pre-Calc. I don't want to graph stuff, and work on this Algebra II Finals Review sheet they gave us. I don't remember Algebra II! D: This is Pre-Calc! Geez!

Anyway, catch you all later. :D CJ out!

P.S. tsuki-idzuna, are you doing anything next weekend? I can't go out THIS weekend due to my parents and sister being over in New York. But next week is a three day weekend! WE SHOULD DO SOMETHING. Maybe we can all get together and play Rockband? I wanna try Wii fit too. XD We should all get together though and PLAAAY sometime. <3 theemojoy can't cuz she'll be gone camping. :P Oh well, too bad fer her? I call mic.

irl, school, art

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