An RP questionnaire to get some creative juices flowing.

Aug 11, 2008 22:16

First of all, here's my to-do list. :D It's mostly done. Just got to finish a few more things.

* RP with Des (We're going to RP some more though. :D)
* Get Community College transcript
* Turn in Community College transcript before Wednesday
* Go to school Wednesday and pick up schedule and ID.
* Get X-Ray for hand
* Get blood test
* Get shot
* Get ready for school (August 18)
* Go to TheEmoJoy's sleep over and get ready for it. (Saturday)

Now a fun little questionnaire that I made to - as the title says - to get my creative juices flowing, and so you guys know more about my characters and so others can know a bit more about your's. I thought it'd be fun. :D

RP Questionnaire

Intended for one person's multiple characters.

What's your name?

How old are you?

What's your occupation?

What's your favorite color?

Your guilty pleasure?

What was your dream to be when you were a little kid?

Where did you go to school?

Where do you live?

If you were forced by your players (breaking the fourth wall here) to play a ton of video games, which would you choose to be your favorite?

Same thing, except with movies?

What about music? What're your favorite songs and bands?

Your favorite type of music?

Hey, speaking of music, where would you see yourself in a band? Singer, bass, guitar, keyboard, drums, fan, manager, etc.

Moving from music, to dancing. What's your favorite kind of dance?

What kind of music gets you dancing?

Speaking of dancing, that reminds me of partner dancing. What do you see in a partner?

Do you have a partner? And who?

Moving from partners to fears. What's your biggest fear?

What about your biggest accomplishment?

Fears to family. Tell us about your family.

Do you have any siblings?

Relationships. Tell us your closest friends, and your closest enemies.

Even more relationships. What's your relationship to any other characters in this questionnaire?

Favorite type of ice cream?

Favorite food?

Favorite dessert?

Coffee or tea, and what kind?

Your favorite juice?

Your favorite soda?

What do you eat for breakfast?

What do you ride/drive? Skateboard, bike, rollerblade, motorcycle, airplane, scooter, moped, etc.? Tell us specifically. :D

What's your MBTI Personality? (Look here for more information.)

What do you think your personal faults are?

Alright, players, tell us the truth. What ARE the personal faults of your characters?

What's your favorite piece of literature?

Are you a fan of mythology? Even if not, tell us your favorite story of myth or favorite myth character. :D

Religious Belief?

What languages can you speak?

Good at math any?

How about computers? Do you use the computer and internet often?


Favorite season?

Are you a day person or a night person?

Hamburger or hotdog?

What's your favorite drink? Yes, I mean alcoholic. Otherwise, if you don't drink alcohol, what's your favorite drink in general?

How do you feel about smoking? Do you smoke?

Do you have any physical problems? (Asthma, diseases, conditions, etc.)

How about mental problems? :O

What're you allergic to?

What's your ethnicity?

When is your birthday?

What's your astrological sign?

What's your Chinese Zodiac sign?

If you were a MAJOR ARCANA tarot card, which card would you be?

Which MINOR ARCANA tarot card would you be?

Pet peeves?

What do you hate the most?

What do you LOVE or LIKE the most?

Care to tell us a secret about yourselves? Don't worry, we won't tell anyone. :) (SO lying. :P)

If you thought of yourself as any sort of cliché, what cliché are you?

Describe yourselves.

Give yourself a title.

Tell us what you think about the other characters taking this questionnaire right now.

Any response to any other person's questionnaires?

Okay, characters. What do you think of your player, honestly and ICly?

Player, what do you think of your characters?

Now, for any of you reading this. Here's a fun thing. Have your characters reply to these characters' answers to the questionnaire, and then have your characters take it themselves.

Taken from: ”namehere”

Originally from: ”thecrazyfox”

Just to warn you though, the questionnaire is VERY long. 3 pages in OpenOffice.

I'll do the questionnaire in a next post once I get off my lazy butt to actually do it with my characters. XD

Here's just a small update. You guys can just skip it and move on if you really want. :D This questionnaire can be used with your comic or story characters as well!

Speaking of RP, me and Des RPed recently. We stayed up late, but it was a great session. Hopefully I'll get to RP with her more tomorrow, and Wednesday, and maybe Thursday and Friday too. :D Then Saturday I get to spend time at theemojoy's house! Woo. :D

Also speaking of RP, look at destroyah-des's journal and at her 'story' tags. Chapter 3 of our little RP is up there, if you guys want to read it. :D

rp, meme, irl

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