Pictures I wanted to post before I head off with my friends.

Jul 30, 2008 11:13

Sketch of a Leben character sheet. He's supposed to be a pacifist, so he's all made of circles and such to give him a gentle look. And he has my hair cut because I couldn't decide another haircut. Also, his hair cut shows his youth a little, and it's also a hair cut that you can easily change from nice to messy and vice versa. You can just wake up and go places with this haircut because it won't even be messy, while other times when you wake up you can never fix it again. I know from personal experience.

ALSO, his birthday is March 15 - the ides of March (the day Julius Caesar was assassinated. One month after Lupercal - the Roman celebration of the story of Romulus and Remus). A day after Pi Day, a day before St. Patrick's Day, and two days before St. Joseph's day. :D Also, it's the beginning of the time when you're born a Pisces. So he could have been an Aquarius if he was born a day before. xD

Also, his hair is supposed to curl around his sort of long face... But... Well, I guess I didn't draw it much like that. His hair gets messy very easily. It's cut though so it has a sort of a round look to it, I guess. XD

Also, his priest outfit... the top of it doesn't go down fair. It just goes a little past his waist/crotch/butt area, but then it stops. It's because he bikes a lot, and he doesn't want it to get in the way. xD

Also, here's the picture of Leben and Caroline I mentioned in the last post.

Leben's scared to DEATH. xD I also can't draw crossed arms right.

Also, Des's character Solan.

Somehow, he doesn't look right to me. I'm not sure. I wasn't sure how to change it from the first way I drew it - especially the hair. So I pretty much kept the hair the same.

Any tips would help you guys, especially from you Des. I need some advice on Solan. I have to honestly say though, I liked doing his eyes. Haha.

Well, now I need to run and get ready for whatever my friends plan on doing today.

EDIT: Here's another small thing for you guys. A drawing I did of realistic Leben until I really figured out his character sheet. He's wearing a light blue shawl thing that priests always wear too. But normally, he actually doesn't wear that... and after he loses his church, he especially doesn't wear that. But you can see the rest of his colors this way now. His priest outfit is dark blue instead of the traditional black.

EDIT 2: Still waiting around for my friends. Vos feels really sick but she's starting to feel better so I don't know if we're going to the mall or not. If we are anyway, I told my mom I'd be back by 5 or 6 PM. (Since it was originally supposed to be that I'd be out for 5 or 6 hours, and my mom didn't want me to be out for any longer.) Hey Des, if you see this at all, maybe we can get some RP in during then? Just a small suggestion, if you'll be on. Sorry if it's so sudden - my friends and I just determined things late last night.


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