(no subject)

Dec 25, 2004 19:44

we just opened christmas presents!! i love my presents. my favorite are the books which perfectly represent my mom and stepdad.

from my mother....the feminist!

from bruce, my stepdad, a fellow liberal. on the label it said, 'from a fellow sufferer'

i hope you take special note of the message at the bottom of the book.

and of course....abby, in her dress up princess present. i personally think the shoes are a bit scandalous. the rest of the night she informed us she could do whatever she wanted because she was a princess.

i took these all with my digital camera that i got!!!!!

oh. one annoyance. when i come home after going out i just go straight to my room, frankly because i just dont want to talk to my mom that much. but apparently my mom and bruce thinks its because i come home drunk. considering i drive all the time, i'm a little upset at their low opinion of me. if it was true, i wouldnt care! but i actually barely drink!
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